Bloody Banquet

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Max woke up after another restless night, except this time, his nightmares were plagued with Matthew's face. Well, they weren't total nightmares. In some of them, he got to punch the douche in the face, which was nice. Sitting up in his bed, he yawned deeply, rubbed away the sleepiness in his eyes and half-assedly pulled on his hoodie. Not bothering to unruffle his hair, he started slowly shuffling towards the Mess Hall for breakfast.

As he approached the large wooden doors, he smelled an oddly delicious aroma floating through the building. Suspicion filled him and he was about to back away until the grumble in his stomach made a more hunger-satisfying decision. Sighing in self-loathing, he opened the doors and found everyone sitting happily, eating the food in front of them as if they hadn't eaten for weeks. Confused, yet still hungry, he approached the kitchen window to receive his food.

"Eh, Quartermaster," began Max drowsily. "Give me a plate of whatever you made. Smells good, for once." He said the last two words under his breath.

Then he heard a voice that woke him up completely.

"Maxwell?" replied Matt's overly happy voice.

Slowly, Max turned his head to face the window, his eyes widened in slight fear. Against his hopes, he found himself looking into the eyes of, you guessed it, Matthew. Max was silenced.

"Good to see you!" said Matt with what seemed like genuine kindness. "Are you looking for breakfast?" Max was still quiet. Matt laughed at his frightened face. "Of course you are! Stay where you are, I'll prepare a plate for you!" Matt smiled widely and disappeared behind the counter.

In the fifteen seconds Matt stayed back there, Max regained himself and shook his head free of the fuzziness. Instantly, he plastered on his signature angry face and stood agitated, internally daring Matthew to lean back over the counter.

And Matthew did just that.

"Here!" said Matt smiling, handing Max a plate of odd-looking food. "You can come to get seconds if you wish to! I have more than enough food in storage to prepare!" Smiling for a final time, Matt disappeared permanently behind the counter.

As Max hesitantly took the plate of food from the countertop, a shiver traveled down his spine as Matt's smile flashed across his mind. He couldn't help but notice the reddened edges of each of his abnormally sharp teeth.  Max shook his head again, quite roughly at that, and walked over to where Nikki and Neil were sitting. Nikki was, as usual, scarfing down her food while Neil ate calmly with a smile on his face. Things were way too happy.

Letting the small headache settle, he took a deep breath and let his head clear completely. 

"Hey, Max!" stated Nikki loudly. "You've GOT to try this stuff! It's DELICIOUS!" 

Max flinched as his friend's voice suddenly intruded his eardrums. He gritted his teeth in irritation.

"Nikki," he spat in a whispery voice. "Don't do that." He sighed deeply, desperate to fill his lungs and avoid passing out. His lungs felt like they were way too small and couldn't take in the air he needed. Nikki and Neil both sat silently, Nikki still eating of course, as they waited for him to calm down. At this point in their friendship, they knew better than to mess with him while he's like this. Once Max regained himself with yet another breathless sigh Nikki smiled and more quietly said-

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