Wood Grilled Forest

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3:15 a.m.

That was what Victor's watch, which she totally hadn't stolen, read as she, her two accomplices, and their victim slowly sailed across the open ocean.

The night was dark and hot, the air so thick with fog that one would suffocate without taking deep breaths every five seconds. Silence was all that could be heard, save for the subtle flow of the deep, murky waters below the raft.

Victor turned her cold grey eyes toward her partners in crime. Kang Min, a North Korean escapee, was sitting tensely with his arms crossed and legs strewn defensively in front of him. His vibrant red eyes were wide and angry, and his void black hair was ruffled and unkempt. It looked like a mess of crow feathers. The young boy kept a constant hold of his now bloodied kitchen knife, ready to spring at a moment's notice. He mainly directed his attention to the young man he'd violently stabbed, who was now desperately struggling to breathe as he lay trapped in Arthit's arms. Arthit, the young Thai boy, had a more calm and collected stance. He sat casually, legs crossed and arms swung lazily over the pale body in his grasp. He barely needed to hold the man, as the poor bastard was hardly able to open his eyes. Arthit's hair was equally as dark as Kang Min's, but much more cared for. His eyes were deep brown and almond shaped, his sharp gaze more directed at the endless veil of mist surrounding them.

All three of the kids were sweating heavily, but no one made any complaint. They needed to focus. They had to arrive at their destination by 3:35 a.m. at latest. At least, if they wanted to keep his favor...

The journey was slower than usual, as the waters were oddly calm. As far as the trio knew, they were headed in the right direction, but could only go off of pure instinct. Surely, he would guide them the right way, right..?

The albino Russian girl scratched irritably at her arms and neck, experiencing minor withdrawal symptoms from lack of alcohol. Kang Min grumbled, rubbing the blood from his knife onto his once pure white tshirt  and Arthit occasionally poked and prodded at the near corpse in his lap, making sure it wasn't quite dead yet. None of them spoke even slightly. The three weren't used to casual conversation outside of murder and their master, and even if they were, they had to save their voices for the ritual that would be taking place mere minutes from now.

Suddenly, in the nearing distance, soft orange light peaked through the waterlogged air. Victor's watch read 3:32. Perfect! They were just in time.

In seconds, the fog broke away to reveal Silent Island. The island was normally a calm, serene little island in the middle of the ocean, covered with trees and a wide array of flora and fauna. Tonight, however, it was literally in flames. Bright, blinding fire reached from the center point of the land mass into the air, smoke licking the sky.

The children slowly sailed to the shore and lifted themselves, and their sacrifice, onto the land. The only noise other than the hissing and crackling of fire was the pained groans and hopeless pleas of the man as they dragged him limply along. Blood stained a trail into the grass.

Victor led the way valiantly through the burning forest, paying no mind as flames threatened to swallow her and her companions. By the time 3:35 struck, they'd made their way to the ritual location. A large, foreboding waterfall rushed down between two tall, jagged rocks. Whilst all other things in the forest were glowing brilliantly with the light of the flames, the rushing waters were blacker than the darkest oil, and equally as thick. Kang Min and Arthit violently pulled their victim forward, ignoring his pained whimpers and begs, and tossed him haphazardly into the shallow pool they stood before. Immediately, all three children took their places around the pond and readied themselves. This ritual was the only thing that struck their nerves and made them feel fear.

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