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"Mom, why do I have to go to a public school? We were doing just fine on base with me being home school with all the other kids, why change it up now?" Cody yelled across the table while eating breakfast.

"It'll be good for you honey, you could meet some new people for a change?" She said sympathetically. "Now eat your eggs and get ready or you're going to be late."

Cody quickly finished his breakfast and hurried upstairs through on a basic t-shirt and a pair of stonewashed jeans. He grabbed the keys to his White Jeep Cherokee and drove to his new school.

He walked into the tan bricked looking school, found the main office and started to look for his first class, art. Now the school wasn't too big but it took him awhile to find the art studio. Cody loved art; that was his passion; he loved painting landscapes, portraits and everything in between. Not paying attention where he was going he ran into this girl with long brunette hair with nice natural waves, she was wearing big metal framed glasses overtaking her freckled face.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to run in to you, are you okay?" The girl gushed at cody."Yeah I'm fine. It was my fault I wasn't paying attention." he replied. "I'm sorry to ask but you see I'm new here and I am having some trouble finding the art studio do you mind helping me?" he asked after looking down at his schedule one more time. "Sure I don't mind I am heading that way right now, you will love Ms. Wells, she is one of the coolest teachers here." the girl happily agreed to help Cody out. "I didn't quite catch your name?" the girl asked. "Cody what about you?" He replied. "Taylor May."


Well here you go the prologue is complete. You guys dont know how long I have wanted to write this story. I really hope it will get the love it deserves. I plan on updating probably twice a week, but for sure once a week.

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