Chapter 2

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Considering Louis had no idea who Liam was a few days prior, he was unsure of what to expect with him coming over. From what he knew the day they met, Liam is a confident person, but that was about it. He seemed to know Harry a little, so that gave Louis some hope for their apparent friendship. Louis has a few friends, but to be fair, most weren't close to him. 

At least, not in the way that others showcase friendship as. He sees friendship as this companionship for when he's bored. He never had a friend where he could tell secrets to or hold a deep conversation with. The deepest Niall and him got was when Louis' dad left and Niall gave him his fries to comfort him. That was their friendship in a nutshell. 

The thing is, Louis has this small fear of getting close to people. He never had a reason to tell people about his sexuality, because he never needed to. He also feared a bit of judgment due to the subtle homophobia in their school. Mainly in the locker rooms during football practice and gym class. To be fair, that's all schools. It's not like his school is singled out. But of course, it does affect him and it does make him hesitate to tell anyone, even Niall. 

He doesn't think Niall is homophobic, but considering he hangs out with guys who aren't afraid to drop the word fag casually, who can blame him for being scared to tell him? Louis felt like Liam was a bit easier going. He was a bit judgmental, but not to where Louis was afraid to bring him around. Then again, it's hard to judge a person when you just met them. 

Liam texted that he was on his way and Louis headed downstairs to let him in. He saw his sisters in the living room, watching some Disney show. They were goofing around and playing with some toys, the older ones were texting on their phones. His mum was on the laptop, only to glance up when she saw her son walking over. 

"Afternoon," she greeted. "You've been upstairs all day. Is everything alright?" 

"Yeah, just slept in. I have a friend coming over, we have to work on this project together," he explained. 

She sighed heavily, shaking her head, "Alright, but I have a coworker coming over for dinner. I don't want your friend over too long." 

Louis nodded and went outside to sit on the steps and wait. He rarely had friends over because his mum is always having coworkers come for dinner or his siblings are too loud and rambunctious. He didn't mind his sisters, they're adorable. But sometimes he wanted peace and quiet, especially when he had company. 

A few minutes passed before he spotted a car he didn't recognize pull into the driveway behind his mum's car. He stood up when he noticed Liam climbing out of the driver's seat. He grabbed a bag from his backseat and tugged it on his shoulder. Louis tried not to be jealous of the fact that Liam had his own car. Skateboarding to school isn't that bad. 

"Hey," Louis nodded, unsure of how to greet the guy. Liam looked amused and said, "Hey, nice house." 

He wasn't sure if he was making fun of him. The house is pretty simple, nothing to compliment. Nonetheless, Louis took the compliment and lead him inside. His sisters instantly looked over at the new guest and the twins grinned largely, going to greet him until Louis stood in front of Liam with his arms crossed. 

"Nuh-uh-uh," he tsked, waving a finger. "Please, do not traumatize our guest. He is here for school purposes only." 

Luckily, his mum called the girls over and gave him a silent nod to leave before they were no longer distracted. Louis grabbed Liam's arm and tugged him upstairs. They bypassed some dolls on the ground and dirty clothes tossed in the corner of the hallway. Honestly, five kids in a house is a total pain in the arse. Louis shut the door and locked it, leaning against it with a heavy sigh. 

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