Chapter 6

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Louis learned that alcohol made him do impulsive things. 

For instance, hooking up with his crush. He also learned that alcohol was not his friend and sleeping naked was not comfortable. It was a surreal feeling, waking up somewhere you don't recognize. He never thought he'd experience something like that. 

Louis was blinded instantly by the sun beaming on him through the open curtains, head throbbing from the slight hangover he inquired. He didn't drink that much, but his body was definitely not used to alcohol. It was too bright and his body was aching, sweaty and shoulders were tense. 

For a moment, Louis was lost and glanced around with half-closed eyes, until his haze landed on the equally naked body next to him. it was then that memories flooded him and Louis inhaled sharply, instantly aware of last night. His face flushed red and body heated up, embarrassed but also thrilled over the experience. 

He remembered all of it; from kissing Harry to literally fucking him. Never once did Louis think this would ever happen, and to say he was nervous about the aftermath was an understatement because he was a virgin last night and Harry wasn't. 

Louis frowned, recalling what the boys said about Harry blowing them. He wasn't mad about it, but he was worried he didn't meet up to Harry's standards. He was also scared that Harry might regret it, and honestly, he was afraid to find out. It was so beautiful to him, every moment, and he didn't want that ruined by his less-than-average skills. 

The boy hesitated, glancing to his phone on the ground and reached down to grab it. He checked the time and saw it was a little before ten in the morning. He muttered a 'shit' under his breath when he saw the missed calls from his mum. 

He jumped up, grabbing his clothes and quickly changed, texting her that he stayed at Niall's. Louis glanced to Harry's sleeping body, unsure of what to do. Does he wake him up and say goodbye? Does he leave a note? Send a text? He didn't know the etiquette for a one night stand. 

Eventually, he decided to just send him a text letting him know that he had to leave but implied he had a goodbye. It went something along the lines of 'hey, sorry to dash out before saying goodbye. Had to leave as soon as I woke up. I was gonna wake you up, but you looked tired...I had a nice time though, I'll see you at school Monday? Xx ' and that was that. 

He hoped it was enough. Or maybe it was too much. 

Before he left, Louis made his way over to the bed and crouched down in front of the boy, smiling softly at his sleeping face. His lips were parted softly, small puffs of air leaving his parted mouth. He was so beautiful. Louis never imagined waking up to that face and now that he has, he will admit it was just as beautiful as he imagined. Maybe even more so. 

Daring to risk it, Louis pressed a soft kiss to Harry's forehead. When he stepped back, he was relieved to see he hasn't woken up. Louis quietly left the room, shutting the door so no one dared to enter it. He tiptoed downstairs, hearing the commotion from the living room. 

He assumed people were waking up and the nice ones were helping Eleanor clean up before her parents got home. When he made his way downstairs, he saw some of the guys reluctantly cleaning and he subtly made his way over to the door. 

Just as he went to leave, he heard a chuckle, "Were you really gonna sneak out, mate?" 

Louis turned and saw Niall raised eyebrow. He blushed, quickly saying, "My mum's worried as fuck and I really need to get home." 

"Dude, you don't even have a ride," Niall retorted. "Did you even get an Uber?"

 Louis deadpanned. He didn't. 

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