Chapter 7

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Harry's dealt with a lot of shit in life. His life isn't the most complicated, heartbreaking story ever, but he's been screwed over enough times to where he tends to get used to things not going his way. 

And yet, when he overheard the way Louis talked about him, something just shattered inside of him. Harry liked Louis. It's not like he was in love or anything, it was a small crush that appeared not too long ago, maybe a week or two, but he really thought he was a decent guy. He hoped he was a decent guy. 

Turns out, Harry wasn't wrong when he assumed that he was just as bad as the other guys on the football team. Perhaps there's a reason for stereotypes. Sometimes, just sometimes, they don't stray too far from reality. Louis tried to defend himself, claiming he was different. He was different; at least the other guys don't pretend to be nice and then fuck him over. They're dícks from the beginning. 

What hurt the most was hearing him say 'girl', though. And lying, acting like they hooked up multiple times that night. It was once and Harry thought it was amazing, but now he was questioning everything. Was he playing Harry this whole time? Was everything just a way to get him in bed? Harry had half a mind to out the dude, but he knew better than to do that. He wasn't that cruel. 

Later that day, Harry did everything he could to avoid Louis. He knew he was going to try and apologize, acting like he did nothing wrong. Harry was tired of guys being so cruel to him. The only guy Harry could ever trust in his life was Zayn, and even then, they're not that close. They're friends, best friends, but they're not on a level to where he would pour his heart out to him. 

It was the next day and Harry sat in the music room after school, avoiding detention. He knew Louis would be there and he didn't want to deal with him. He sighed as he stared down at the triangle in his hand, seeing his small reflection in the instrument. 

He lightly tapped it and allowed the soft sound echo in the empty room, frown tugging at his lips. They were quite sore, having sucked off one of the boys in the locker room after gym class. He needed money for the bus home and he didn't have much of a choice. 

Suddenly the door opened and he looked up, heart dropping. He let out a breath of relief when he saw it was Zayn, the boy furrowing his eyebrows as he looked around, "Why are you in here alone?" 

"Passing some time by," Harry murmured under his breath. 

"Did you—Harry, I can drive you home," Zayn groaned. "Stop taking the bus." 

Harry rolled his eyes and put his triangle away. "That's not really possible. It's fine, I don't mind taking the bus." 

"It costs a lot of money, babe." 

"Not really, just a pound," Harry said with a shrug. 

Zayn pointed out, "To get to school, then to go home. That's twice a day, five days a week – " 

"I know how many days are in a week," Harry mocked. "It's not that serious, but if you can give me a ride, I don't mind. I just don't like asking you cause I don't know what you're doing and I don't really wanna bug you, mate." 

Zayn deadpanned. "I don't mind at all, I have no life, Harry. Let me just get my art project from the art room, yeah? Meet you in the front." 

Harry nodded and thanked him, smiling sadly as he watched his friend leave. Zayn means so well. He isn't good with affection and things like that, but he helps so much. He has this subtle way of showing he cares. 

He's actually rather protective of Harry and it's sweet. He's constantly trying to take care of him, because he knows what Harry's been through. His home life isn't the worst, but there are a bit of struggles that he deals with. 

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