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Conner POV:

It's been a few days since classes have started. It's currently the weekend and I'm hanging out with my team in our dorm. Kara's reading her comic books, Karen is playing on her scroll, Diana is sharpening her sword and cleaning her armor, while Im just looking out the window.

Karen: uuuuugh! I'm bored!

Kara: same here. I've read this comic three times already.

Diana: and I've finished cleaning my gear long ago.

They all looked at me. I turned to them and raised an eyebrow.

Conner: what? I'm not doing anything either.

Kara: well what can we do?

Karen: how about we go shopping?

Conner: for what?

Karen: clothes-

Conner: no.

Karen: but-

Conner: no.

Karen: hmph fine.

Kara: how about we go buy a tv so we can have something to entertain us?

Karen: that sounds like a good idea. We can pick out a couch or some chairs as well. Plus it'll be good to get out and explore vale.

Conner: plus (looks at Diana) it would be a good way to start teaching Diana some things.

After the lunch situation we had a few days ago Diana revealed to us that she had little concept of socializing and it was because of where she had lived before. So we promised her that we'd help her.

Diana: that sounds like a good idea.

Kara: then it's settled! Let's get ready so we can leave soon.

SUPR: yeah!

Time skip

Conner: alright lets go.

We had just finished getting ready. It took a little longer than expected because Karen insisted on finding the perfect outfit.

Conner: we're just going out for an hour or two you don't need to dress nice.

Karen: you clearly haven't spent much time around girls have you?

Conner: well I have it's just that I don't usually go out much so I don't really see the need to dress up.

Karen: yeah yeah. I'll be out in second.

I rolled my eyes before I turned my attention to Kara and Diana. Diana was wearing her armor and Kara was just wearing her school outfit.

Conner: why aren't you two dressing up?

Diana: I like my armor. It always helps to be prepared.

Conner: that makes sense I guess but what about you kara?

Kara: well I'm not into that kind of stuff is all.

Karen then came out in a long yellow sundress with dandelion designs and a large sun hat. She spun in a circle letting her dress and hair dance around. When she stopped she had a large smile plastered on her face.

Karen: how do I look?

Conner: you look great.

Kara: yeah! That dress looks great on you.

Diana: it does look nice.

Karen giggled and smiled.

Karen: thanks. Now why don't we find a tv and some furniture?

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