Chapter Five - Red Room 2.0

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I can't remember the last time someone called me James, Bucky contemplates as he lays on his bed. 

It has been two days since Natasha unexpectedly woke up and he's been wrapping his head around at what happened, especially at what she said. Bucky cannot make sense of it but what's kept him up all night thinking was how Natasha uttered his name with such ease and familiarity and the only explanation he can think of is because it wasn't the first time his name came out of her lips. But as far as he can remember, Natasha's always called him Barnes. Everyone else eased into calling him Bucky, but not her. There's definitely more to this... between him and her. Bucky's convinced. 

A knock on the door snaps him out of his thoughts and he hears Steve from the other side. "Are you ready, Buck? Everyone's downstairs. Let's go."

"Yeah. Coming," Bucky replies and meets Steve outside his room. 

They have been told that Natasha finally woke up that morning but the doctor said it would be best to give her space for several hours. Waking up into a crowded room might disorient her more, besides the doctor has a few followup tests to do to check everything is okay before she can let her off the bed. So they waited the entire day, anxious and excited as far as Bucky can tell.

"What are you going say to her?" Bucky asks Steve as they make their way downstairs.

"Honestly, I don't know, Buck," Steve replies.

They arrive at the dining area and everyone's there already, including Fury. Clint nervously drinks probably his 20th cup of coffee that day and Wanda is busy plating her freshly baked cookies.

"Smells nice. She's going to like that," Sam compliments her. Wanda smiles back with pride. "But you know that's not what the doctor meant when she said Nat needs to rebuild her health, right?" Wanda playfully sticks her tongue out at him.

Steve sits next to Sam while Bucky stands a little farther back. He honestly doesn't know what he should do when Natasha arrives. He's sure everyone else does but him, he's confused.

Meanwhile in the medical bay, Maria is helping Natasha get dressed as the doctor gives her reminders.

"Drink plenty of water, don't stay up too late and most importantly stay off those feet for a little while more until it's completely healed," the doctor says and points to a pair of crutches by the foot of the bed. Natasha's eyes widen and shakes her head. The doctor smiles but nods again. Natasha shakes her head adamantly. 

"Well, if you don't want to use them, make sure you don't overuse your feet. No unnecessary walking," the doctor instructs.

Natasha shrugs her shoulder. Maria grabs the crutches and waits for Natasha by the door as she puts on her gray hoodie jacket. She then finally walks to Maria and they walk out of the medical bay, Natasha limping a bit, trying not to put much weight on her left leg.

They make their way to the common living area. Maria asks, "Are you ready?"

"I can handle Fury's fury, Hill," Natasha says in a weak yet cocky tone.

"Of course you can. But are you ready for them?" Maria asks with a mischievous smile as they enter the room. Natasha stops dead on her tracks by the door seeing who else is in there.


They all stand as Maria enters the door and hold their breath as Natasha slowly appears and stops by the doorway.

"What the hell ---" Natasha whispers, seeing all these familiar faces. 

Clint makes the first move and hugs his best friend and as soon as he did, he starts sobbing on her shoulders. A few seconds later, Wanda runs to her and the three of them hug for a while, Clint and Wanda muttering "Thank god you're okay" or "We were so worried" in between sobs. The surprise finally ebbs away and Natasha finds herself hugging them back, welcoming the warmth of their tears on her skin. Maria chuckles to see that Natasha, the injured one, has to rub Clint's back to calm down his crying . When Clint and Wanda are finally content, they pull away and Natasha sees Sam standing there, with a big grin on his face.

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