Chapter Eleven - Breakfast Talk

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It's already morning when they arrive back at the Facility. The medical staff is already there waiting for them and they immediately tend to the girls and the teachers the moment they stepped out of the transporter. 

There are also representatives from the federal government to secure statements and evidence. Steve and Clint help Maria sort things out with the Feds while Sam and Wanda help the girls get comfortable. They just got out of a horrible place and are immediately transferred into an unfamiliar one with strangers surrounding them. The least they can do is put them at ease that this time, it's going to be different, that they're in good hands. The girls take Wanda's word and they all easily warm up to Sam. 

Bucky on the other hand hangs back again. Not that he doesn't want to help but right now all he's thinking of is Natasha, who after disembarking from the quinjet just gave Maria a curt nod before letting the doctor take her to the med bay. He didn't have the courage to talk to her in the quinjet on their way back to Facility because he didn't know exactly what to say, especially after what he heard Anya say. Everyone loved you. Him, my own mother, Bucky remembers Anya's words. Him. He loved her.

He doesn't notice it but he's fidgeting. He keeps glancing at the door where Natasha and doctor disappeared to a while ago. He looks around again and seeing that everything's under control, he finally gives in and follows Natasha to the med bay.

When he reaches the med bay, he sees Natasha already getting out of the bed. The nurses are just stashing the x-ray away and the doctor is writing down her notes.

"Nothing to worry about, Agent Romanoff," the doctor assures her. "No new fractures, your bruises will heal in a few weeks. Even your head wound is not something to be worried about. Just three stitches, nothing serious. You can go and clean yourself up." Natasha thanks her.

"Can I help?" Bucky asks. Natasha looks up and sees him by the door with a worried smile.

"Walk me to my room again?" Natasha asks with a tease. She might be in a teasing mood, Bucky knows she's keeping up appearances. He nevertheless smiles and scoops her into his arms.

"She can walk, Sergeant Barnes," the doctor tells Bucky.

"I know and I don't care, doc," Bucky yells with a chuckle as they exit the med bay.

Bucky takes his time walking, carrying Natasha to her room. Natasha doesn't mind either. She has her arms wrapped around Bucky's shoulder and she nestles her forehead on his neck. Bucky can feel her breath on his skin and it warms him up pretty nicely. They don't speak throughout their walk and Bucky's not bothered by it all. He feels it, that when it comes to the two of them, words aren't necessary for them to understand each other. They finally reach her door and Bucky gently puts her down. All he is planning to do once they reach her door is to give her a hug and walk away. But Natasha surprises him.

"Can you help me clean up my wound?" Natasha asks him softly. 

Bucky responds with a smile. Natasha leads him to her bathroom and shows him the first aid kit. The nurses somehow cleaned the wound before stitching it up but her hair, forehead and temple is stained with dried blood. He wets a towel and gently wipes away the blood. Again, he doesn't say anything, knowing that Natasha's head is already filled with a thousand questions and thoughts. 

He tilts her face up that they're face to face but her eyes are distant, she's a million miles away. Then right there, Natasha finally unravels as she cries her heart out. Bucky pulls her in an embrace, her face on his chest and his chin on her head. He feels Natasha wraps her arms around his waist and pulls him closer too. 

He lets her cry, without trying to calm her down, without saying anything to soothe her because Bucky knows that she needs that cry, a long overdue admission and confession of her pain. And he's right. After several minutes, Natasha takes a deep breath and stops sobbing. Just like that. Bucky takes her cue and they release each other from their embrace. Natasha sniffles a few times before looking up at him with a soft smile.

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