Chapter Eight - The Widow's Dance

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Almost another month has passed and Natasha's recovering slowly but surely. She's almost got her ideal weight back, the track marks on her arms and feet are now mere scars, and her fractures are already healed. She already got clearance from the doctor to resume her physical training. Steve's been helping her a lot on that front.

"Why him?" Sam asked the day she asked Steve to help her out in the gym. "Any of us can spot for you." Clint earnestly nodded in agreement, Bucky simply smiled.

"That's true," Natasha said with a smirk. "But remember what the doctor said, I have to take it easy for a while and given my insubordinate tendencies, I'll most definitely won't be taking it easy and I'll just kick your asses when you try to stop me." She pointed at Sam and Clint. "And you," she turned to Bucky. "You'd most definitely just let me do whatever I want."

Bucky smiled, "Most probably." They all laughed.

"But this grumps over here," Natasha pointed at Steve. "He'd definitely try to stop me even if it means getting his ass kicked. Not that I can't kick his ass, I just can't bring myself to beat up a 100-year old man." They all laughed.

So every morning, after they all go for a short run around the Facility, Steve and Natasha proceed with their training, Steve adding intensity to it gradually each day. Natasha's glad to be around Steve again, she's never denied that she misses the guy. Their relationship is definitely a special one for her. There's absolutely nothing romantic about it and it's also different from the one she has with Clint. She can't put a label to what they have but Natasha's sure about one thing, Steve has influenced her in unexpected ways that she'd like to believe she's made a better person because him. For someone like her who has a history of wrong doings and wrong decisions, she's grateful to finally have a moral compass in him.

Steve doesn't say it but he's happy that Natasha's asked him to help her train. They're different people, total opposites even, but they somehow found a middle ground where they've formed the foundation of their friendship on. Natasha's an incredibly beautiful woman and he admits he'd been hit by the same curiosity most men have of women like her but she has impressed him too much in more ways than one that he eventually got over that average curiosity and all he has for her is utter respect, and love. Yes, love, but nothing romantic, he's sure of it. His love for her is marked by his trust in her, trust that he can count on her to make the right decisions for the greater good when needed. And one morning he showed her how much he trusts her.

They just finished up their morning training when Steve handed her an envelope. Natasha looked at it with questioning eyes. 

"I'd like to return the gesture", Steve said. Natasha opened it and saw Steve's power of attorney, Bucky's signature below and another signature line with her name below it.

"You don't have to," Natasha said.

"I want to," Steve said with a smile then hands her a pen. "Will you?"

Natasha gave him a flirty smile before getting the pen from his hand, "I thought you'd never ask." Steve laughed as Natasha signed the paper, her heart welling up with pride.

 After a little while, as Steve cleaned up the gym, he sees Natasha seated on the floor putting on her ballet flats. He walked to her and snatched the flats from her.

"No," he said, looking down on her.

"Why not?! I've been running every morning anyway," Natasha protested. 

Steve sat down beside her and shook his head. "That's different. I don't know much about ballet but let's see what your latest x-ray looks like first then we can talk about it with the doc." Natasha pouted and stuck her tongue at him.

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