*A Study In Pink: Part One*

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Chapter One: Life is But a Dream

My black hair hung loosely from my head as I looked out the window of the cab. Outside had grey skies with yet another promise of rain... yeah right. Another day with Molly at the Morgue. I wondered how long it would be until she looks over my body during the Autopsy... "Suicide." She'll whisper before covering my lifeless body.

"Here you go ma'am. £10." The cabbie said. I gave him his money and proceeded out with my grey duffle bag, ready for work.
"Molly?" I called as I walked into the Morgue.
"Aspen!" She said, coming up and hugging me. Something different about her... she was wearing lipstick. Her boyfriend was probably coming again.
"Molly, you're wearing lipstick again." I said, putting the bag in my locker. "You need to ask him on a date. Coffee, anything! This is sad." I said, putting on my white coat over my black crop top sweater and high-waisted jeans. She chuckled at my remark and I pasted a smile on my face that she always believed.

"How was school?" She asked when we got into the lab.
"It was fine." I said, avoiding eye contact and putting on my gloves.
"Penny." She waned, softly taking my arm. I hate when she calls me that. I showed no resistance to her pushing my sleeve up, revealing scars on my arm. Some were bandaged, and some were nearly gone.
"You need to stop this. You're going to kill yourself!" She insisted, a crack in her voice. "Well what's the alternative? Listening to the voice in my head tell me I'm worthless? I her that everyday from my freaking drunk mother." I argued.

Harriet Watson was my mother, pub every night and home at three in the morning ever since her and Clara split up.
"Watch the language. We'll talk about this later, Penny. Give them to me." Molly said, holding out her hand.
"Give you what?" I asked, feeling the two blades in my pocket.
"Don't be daft. Blades. Now." Molly said.
"Ugh." I whined and gave her the inch and a half long metal pieces that were my best friend at my worst times.
"Let's go. Sherlock's here." Molly said.

* * *

Sherlock Holmes. How do I even begin to explain Sherlock Holmes? He is Molly's boyfriend, to her, at least. His hair was always a neat mass of thick black curls, almost as black as my straight hair. His eyes changed color based on the lighting, but sometimes they were like a rainbow. His pale face always looked intelligent and those cheekbones could cut your hand, should you slap him.

Sherlock was wearing a button up shirt and slacks under his long dark blue coat, the collar up, and scarf to finish.
"Molly, where's the body?" He asked, his deep voice giving me chills.
"Here." Molly said, leading him and myself over to a black bag, which he unzipped.
"How fresh?" he asked, holding the bag with his black gloves.
"67, natural causes. He used to work here! I knew him! He was nice..." Molly informed him, glancing at me. I thought of when she would be saying, "15, suicide. She worked here too. You and I knew her, Sherlock. She was like a sister to me."
"Alright. We'll start with the riding crop." Sherlock said, bringing me back.

* * *

Snap. Snap. Snap. Went the small black whip as Molly and I watched the slim figure of Sherlock beat the poor, unfortunate body. I looked to her, who was holding a fearful look.
"I pray to God that won't be you someday, Aspen." She muttered as he stopped beating the corpse. "Come on."

"So, bad day, was it?" I asked when we walked back into the lab. Ignoring my comment, Sherlock brought out a notepad and started scribbling down notes.
"I need to know what bruises form in the next twenty minutes. A man's alibi depends on it. Text me." He ordered to Molly. I elbowed her and she looked at me.

"Do it!" I mouthed. She gave me a face before turning to Sherlock.
"Listen, I was wondering, maybe when you're finished-" she started, when Sherlock looked up from his notes.
"You're wearing lipstick. You weren't wearing lipstick before." he remarked, then went back to his notes.
"I- um- refreshed it a bit." She stuttered.
"Ah. You were saying?" He asked.
"I was wondering if you'd like to get coffee." she asked quickly.
"Black, two sugars please. I'll be upstairs." Sherlock requested. I hope she didn't hear me snort as he walked out.
"Okay." Molly squeaked, then we walked out of the lab.

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