*A Study In Pink: Part Eleven*

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Chapter Eleven: Leaving While I Can

"I won't cheat. It's your choice. I'll choose whatever pill you don't." Jeff added.
Sherlock looked down at the pills in concentration.
"Bet you didn't expect that, Mr. Holmes." Jeff stated once again.
Right then, I felt my phone start vibrating. I seemed to be the only one who noticed, and checked. It was John. Before I could do anything, Sherlock grabbed my phone and pocketed it.
"It rude to check your phone when people are talking." he said.

"What if I don't choose either? I could just walk out of here." Sherlock stated.
In disappointment, Jeff raised his gun up to my face. "You can take your fifty-fifty chance, or I shoot her in the head." He threatened. I tried my best to hide my fear, and Sherlock just shrugged.
"Why would I care? I don't know her." he said, then smiled calmly.
"Makes it easier to outlive two people. Funnily enough, no one has gone for that option." Jeff said.
"Sherlock," I started.
"She'll have the gun, please." he said, then looked at me. "You want to die anyway, right?"

Jeff pulled the trigger, but all that came out was a flame. To be honest, I felt... disappointed.
"I know a real gun when I see one." Sherlock said, smirking.
"None of the others did." Jeff said.
"Clearly." Sherlock muttered, giving me my phone back. "Well this has been very interesting. I look forward to the court case." Sherlock said, standing up and walking to the door. Something made me stay seated, and I just watched him.
"Before you go," Jeff started, putting the gun down on the desk. "Did you figure it out?"
This made Sherlock stop and turn around slightly.
"... Which ones the good bottle?" He added.

"Leave him alone." I finally spoke. "he doesn't have any reason to die. I do." And with that, I slapped the pill from my pocket onto the table.
"Aspen-" Sherlock growled.
"Shut up! Look just let me play." And I grabbed the left bottle. "Happy?"
I opened the cap, dumped the pill out and threw the glad on the floor, hearing it shatter. "At least I won't have people who will miss me. I'm 'clever' enough to bet my life." I could hear the last phrase as almost a whisper. I suppose I didn't think about it at first, but about halfway through I realised it was too late to stop now. I also could've sworn I heard John call our names somewhere.

"Enough of this!" Sherlock scowled, and I felt him push me out of the way, and onto the floor. I then felt the mental slap in the face that always occurs when I try to do something like this, and by the time I'm Brough back to reality, I saw Sherlock and Jeff bring the pills to their mouths. Before I can say anything, a gunshot rings out, going through Jeff and into the door. He falls and lands close to me, his arm almost grazing my feet. I was speechless as Sherlock checked the window to identify a killer. when he comes back, he helps me up and turns to Jeff, dying on the floor and holds up the pill.

"Was I right?" He asked, but Jeff turned his head away. "I was, wasn't I. Did I get it right?" He demanded. When Jeff didn't reply, Sherlock stood and threw the pill across the room.

"Okay, tell me this: your sponsor. Who was it? The one who told you about me- my 'fan'. I want a name." Sherlock interrogated.
"No." Jeff mumbled weakly.
"Aspen, come over here." Sherlock said. "step on his wound" he said quietly to me. "You're dying, but there's still time to hurt you." Sherlock said, and motioned me. Hesitantly, I stepped on the growing red dot on the mans chest. Jeff immediately cried out in pain.
"A name." Sherlock insisted, "more weight." he ordered me. I obeyed, and all Jeff could do was cry out in pain.

"The name!" Sherlock yelled.
"Moriarty!" Jeff's last words were. I took my foot from his chest and let the word sink in for Sherlock.

* * *
Later, the ambulance and police have arrived, and Sherlock and I sit on the doors of the back, not speaking. My knees are pulled to my chest, and my head rested on them. A man then comes and places a blanket on Sherlock, then me.
"Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me." Sherlock asked Lestrade.
"Yeah, it's for shock. Looks like your friend over there is stuck in it too." Lestrade said, then motioned to me.
"She's not my friend. She's John's niece." Sherlock scowled.
"Well some of the guys want to take photographs." Lestrade said as they walked off and started talking.

My mind was stuck on who Moriarty was, but when I lifted my head, I saw John talking to Sherlock. He said something to him and he turned his head, meeting my eyes. It was then I realised that it wasn't my mind playing with me when I thought he had called my name. I brushed off the blanked and hopped down from the ambulance, walking over to John.
"Why? Why'd you shoot him?" I asked, my voice low.
"Were you mad? I should be asking the questions here young lady-"
"And yet you never ask enough. You never asked if I was okay. But I understand. Some things are more important than others." I said, cutting him off. "I was so close."

"Aspen!" John exclaimed.
"Don't John. I have to go." I said, then looked at Sherlock.
"Sherlock." I said, then turned to John. "Hope you guys have fun. I'll drop by when I can, I suppose."
"You can live with us. You know that right?" John asked.
"Maybe another time." I shot to him, then turned to walk away.
"Well, I'm here for you!" John said as I proceeded. I turned, walking backwards.
"No you're not." I yelled to him, then ran down the street to where I can regret calling home.

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