*A Study In Pink: Part Nine*

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Chapter Nine: Thoughts Creeping In...

Thank god he was too distracted by the call. I thought
"A few hours after his last victim, and now he receives a text that could only be from her." Sherlock murmured. If someone had just found that phone they'd ignore a text like that. But a murderer... Would panic." He said, then slapped the case shut, making me jump. I stared at the phone's ringing as he got his jacket.

"Well haven't you gone to the police?" John asked. I seemed to be lost in my thoughts as they talked.
"Aspen, come on." He called, bringing me back.
"What?" I asked.
"You heard me. Come on." He said. Honestly, sometimes I felt like no more than luggage John felt he had to bring along.
"I-I'll be okay here." I said, startled when I felt the words come out of my mouth.

"Okay... don't answer the door." He said, then hurried after Sherlock. I pulled out the bottle to see the three pink speckled pills. 'So they take these? And die? Just like that?' I thought. I felt my hand against the cool cap as I took it off, and put one in my hand. I've come this close before, who's to say I won't do it again? I held it up to the light and examined it. I thought for a long time before it came inches from my mouth. If it weren't for the door bursting open downstairs I would've done it.

Before I could breathe, I shoved the pill back into the bottle and into my pocket. Then I threw myself onto the carpet, pretending to be asleep.
"Anderson, you look in the kitchen. Everyone else, search the f-" I heard Lestrades voice.
"Sally is that dead?" Anderson asked Mrs. Donovan.

"No that's John Watson's niece...but I'm not sure." She said as more people started looking around the place.
"We'll get her up!" Lestrade ordered, and I then felt hands under my arms. I clenched the jar so tightly, I thought it would break.
"Yeah she's alive. Put her on the couch." He said.
"What the hell is this?" I asked, annoyed.
"Drugs bust. I knew Sherlock would find the case." Lestrade said, plopping down onto one of the chairs.

I sat there for a long time, just staring at the flat as people ransacked it.
"How long will this take?" I finally asked.
"Don't worry about it. Just go flirt with some boy or something." Lestrade said, and I could tell I wasn't really welcome here.
Finally, Sherlock and John walked in.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock asked, looking distressed.
"Well, I knew you'd find the case. I'm not stupid." Lestrade said nonchalantly.
"You can't just break into my flat!"
"And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat."
"Well what do you call this then?" Sherlock asked, motioning to the people scattered around the flat.
Lestrade put an innocent look on his face, "It's a drugs bust!"
Sherlock looked at me. "Did you let them in?" He asked quietly, and I shook my head.
"This guy? A junkie?! Have you met him? I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, and your wouldn't find anything to call recreational."

"Aspen." I heard the first time Sherlock said my name. "Get out."
"W-what?" I said, as he pulled me up by the elbow.
"Get out." He repeated, then escorted me to the door downstairs. I was thrown out into the cool London air, the he close the door behind me.
What the hell Sherlock? I thought, then rolled my eyes along with a sigh.

"Ma'am? Need a cab?" I heard behind me, and turned to see the driver. He held a gun under his jumper, and motioned me to the cab.
"Come on, now in you go." He said, then went inside. A normal person would have ran, but I had something of his, and if he was going to kill someone, it should be me.

I felt like I was walking on a tightrope as I went to the back seat. I tripped myself and fell against the car. Quickly, I jumped into the leather seating inside. The man came out quickly after, then leaned on the door until Sherlock came out.
"Taxi for Sherlock Holmes." he said, his voice muffled.
"I didn't order a taxi." I heard Sherlock say, barely audible, as he closed the door behind him.
"Doesn't mean you don't need one." He said.
They started talking about him stopping at Northumberland street when I remembered the pills. My hand found the glass bottle as the door opened.

"Well if I wanted to understand, what would I do?" Sherlock asked, sliding in next to me. The man turned around, looking at both of us.
"Let me take you and the lady for a ride." He said.
"So you can kill us too?" Sherlock asked.
"No. I'm going to talk to you, then you're going to kill yourselves." He said.
That probably won't be a problem for me.

A/N: Hey! It feels good to do one of these! Anyway, Merry Holidays! I give you the gift of updates!(if you consider them gifts I'm not sure if some do). And expect another tomorrow for a 2/2 of your gift! Thank you, also for like, reading my story!(I should've said this sooner heh but I didn't think people would read this) so yeah! Have a great day/evening/morning/night!

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