*The Blind Banker: Part Two*

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Chapter Thirteen: Just A Moment

The bank reminded me of an airport. Well, it was the first thing that came into my mind. I followed behind John into a revolving glass door. We both gazed around the foyer as Sherlock stepped onto an escalator.

"Yes, when you said we were going to the bank..." John said, stopping mid-sentence. I stayed silent as I looked at my surroundings. I saw some people swiping their cards to get into these glass barriers. Before I knew it, we were at the top, and Sherlock approached a reception desk, telling them his name.
"What's that?" John asked, pointing to my notebook.
"Oh." I said, "just homework..." He nodded.
"What class?"
"A class." I said, hoping he'd stop talking to me.

We followed Sherlock and some other man into an office. It looked pretty cool with the wall-sized window I went to sit by, as I didn't want to in one of the two chairs.
"Howdy, buddy! How long's it been? Eight years since I last clapped eyes on you?" The man named Sebastian greeted.
Sherlock just smiled with dislike as he motioned to John.
"This is my friend, John Watson." He introduced.
"Friend?" Sebastian asked.
"Colleague." John corrected, "and this is my niece, Aspen."
I guess I couldn't avoid an intoduction, so I half smiled to the man.
"Right." He said.
"Right." I mumbled.

"Well, grab a pew! Do you want anything? Coffee? Water?" Sebastian offered.
"No. Aspen?" John asked. I shook my head as Sherlock had done and sat down in the corner by the window. As they spoke, I looked down at everyone's impression of ants, and spotted a familiar sight: a purple backpack.
Yes, it was Wyatt, walking down the sidewalk. It felt awkward seeing him though he didn't see me. He seemed to be in a hurry, but I wasn't really concerned about that. I really wish she hadn't done that right in front of him, expose my secrets. Despite my cold attitude, maybe we could've gotten to know each other.
* * *
"Uncle John do you have to go?" I asked, as he looked at me. My mother was in the airport bar, not bothering to say bye to her brother. "You know what happens at home."
"Aspen, this is a good thing. You and Harry will be close than you've ever been. She is your mother." He said.
"Aspen stop. I'll be home before you know it."

"I hate you! I wish you were never born! Your father is so lucky he's gone! He doesn't have to put up with you who never should've taken a breath." Her voice shouted through the wooden door. My hands were pressed so hard against my ears I thought my skull was going to be crushed. I took the closest blade I could find and tried to get my mind off of my mother.
'When is John coming home?' I thought.
* * *
"Aspen? Aspen!" I heard, pulling me from my flash back.
It was John. I saw Sherlock walk back in, talking to Sebastian. "You okay?" He asked, wiping my face that I realised had streams of tears.
"Yeah. Totally. Let's go." I said. I walked out of the office with John and Sherlock, with sherlock taking a detour into someone's office. I follow, watching him take pictures. It then captures my attention that there is a balcony. I immediately walk to it, and put into the day. Looking down at the people below, wondering about countless other people who looked at them before taking a short visit.

"Should I?" I said out loud.

"If you want." I heard, making me jump. It was Sherlock. I sighed as he joined me in gazing at everyone. "Spectacular view, I must say." He mumbled, then glanced down.
"It's boring." I stated, my voice sounding monotonous.
"Like I said, if you want." Sherlock said before going back inside. Looking at him, I rolled my eyes, then stole one last glance.
"Mmh. Not today, Aspen." I told myself.

I stood with John as Sherlock scurried about the bank, taking photos. Though we didn't speak, I felt his sad gaze at me. Not long after, Sherlock's leading us back to the escalators.
"Two trips around the world this month. How did you know?" John asked him. I listened in, wanting to hear this time.
"Did you see his watch?" Sherlock asked, glancing at me."
"His watch?" I asked.
"The time was right but the date was wrong. He was across the dateline twice but didn't altar it." Sherlock explained.
"Within a month, how'd you get that?" John asked.
"New Breitling. Only came out this February."

"So do you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer?" John asked as we reached the bottom.
"Got everything I need to know already, thanks." Sherlock said, exiting. "That graffiti was a message for someone at the bank working on the trade floors. We find the intended recipient and..." He trailed off. I wasn't sure what this 'graffiti' was, but I'm sure some of Sherlock's babbling will fill me in.
"...Traders come to work at all hours. Some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night. That message was intended for someone who came in at midnight." Sherlock said, then held up a name card saying "Van Coon."

"Not many 'Van Coons' in the phone book." He stated, then waved his arm for a taxi.

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