Chapter 6

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After finishing my soup I stand next to Bofur as he serves the others, soup that Bombur has made.

"He's been gone a long time?" said Bilbo as he came up from behind me

"Who?" Bofur asked confused


"He's a wizard! He does as he chooses."

"Bofur is right Bilbo, I know Gandalf he'll come back, don't worry."

Bofur placed the soup into two bowls and headed them to Bilbo "Here, do us a favor: take this to the lads."

"Here let me help you, Bilbo." I grab one of the bowls out of his hands


We walk to where Fili, Kili and our ponies are. We hold out the soup for them to take. but they don't take the bowls.

"Something Wrong?" Bilbo and I asked confused

"We're supposed to be watching the ponies." Kili turned to us

"Only we've encountered a slight problem," Fili said

"And that would be?" I asked them

Kili started "We had eighteen ponies and now- "

"Now there's sixteen ponies." Fili finished

"Daisy and Bungo are missing."

"Well, that's not good," I said

"That is not good at all. Shouldn't we tell Thorin about this?" Bilbo asked

Fili waves his hand at Bilbo's question "Uh, no. let's not worry him." he looks at him "As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it."

With that Bilbo started looking around and found some tree that got uprooted.

"Well, un... look, some-something big uprooted these trees. Something very big, and possibly quite dangerous."

"That was our thinking."

Fili motion us to come over "Hey! there's light. over here. Stay down."

We run over to him and hide behind a log on the ground. We heard harsh laugher near a fire.

"What is it?"Bilbo asked confused

"Trolls." Kili and I say

We run toward the fire; we hide behind a tree and see a massive mountain troll walking toward the fire, carrying two our ponies one under each arm.

"He's got Myrtle and Minty! I think they're going to eat them, we have to do something." Bilbo suggest

"Yes; you should. Mountain trolls are slow and stupid, and you're so small." Kili tells him


"They'll never see you."

"No, no, no..."

"Are you guys sure that's a good idea?" I ask them

"It's perfectly safe! We'll be right behind him."

"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl," Fili tells him

They push him toward the trolls. Kili grabs my hand and drags me with them to a hiding spot.

"Kaya we need you run back to camp and get the others. Tell them what happened. We may need their help" Kili tells me

I nod and started running back to camp. Once I see the other I start shouting "Trolls, horses, help!"

"Alright lassie, calm down, breath, and tells us what happened." Bofur said as all the dwarves gathered around

After I explained what happened everyone started Gathering their gear and heading out I went and grabbed my gear and started to leave. When out of nowhere Thorin stepped in front of me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked crossing his arm

"Well, with you guys of course." I looked at him confused

"No, you to stay here."

"What why, I want to help, I can help I'm a Fighter you know!"

"This is not up for discussion you stay here" He Turned and Left.

Leaving me alone at the campsite. I waited a bit after they left. I grab my sword and ran after the others. When I got there, I crouch behind the nears tree and look around. I see a few of the dwarves on a spit over a fire and the others in sacks with Bilbo standing in front of them.

" 'e's right! Nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf! nice and crunchy." one of the trolls say picking up Bombur

"Hey, big, tall, and ugly." I step out of my hiding spot, Raising my sword "Put the dwarf down and no one gets hurt." I raised my sword higher

Everyone's looking at me now.

"Well, who 're you."

"I am Kaya and I demand you release my friends at once!"

"You what?"

"Enough of this, let's just put her with the others and be done with it." One of them says reaches out to grab me

I think fast and manage to cut him.

He howled in pain "The little wench cut me."

He went to grab me again but stop when we hear a voice "Let the dawn take you."

It was Gandalf on a rock, he rose staff strikes the rock splinting in half and let the morning light shine on us. The Trolls started to turn to stone. Everyone cheers, I smile and go help the dwarves.

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