Water horse? Its Hippocampi, Thanks.

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We decided to go and get wands first.

"I still wanna try to make a bunny come out of a hat." I stated to the other 3, getting in return a poke in the side.

"Hello, and welcome to Ollivanders, making of the fine wands since 342 bc." A mysterious voice said. I turned and saw a snow-haired old man behind the desk, with tons of boxes behind him. "I am Ollivander. Looking for a wand?

"Yes....................." I replied. I really hoped I didn't have to use every. Single. box.

"Alright, 12 inch, unicorn hair, flexible, pine." Mr. Ollivander said only to find me standing there confused. "Well? Give it a wave!" I did as I was told and suddenly all the plants shriveled up. "No no no no no no no no. No." He started rummaging through boxes. 9 wands later, and many crumbling things later, Mr. Ollivander stated, "I wonder..."

"You wonder what, because if it has to do with another wand that "hates" me, I might scream." I replied. He ignored me. He walked to the back of the room to come back with a box dustier than the rest. "11 inch, hippocampi scale, slightly flexible, willow tree..." When I grab the wand, it feels like my first capture the flag battle, when I stepped into the lake. I felt so.... Powerful. "This is miiiiiiine!!!" I was happy.

"For your information, this is the only wand ever in existence with a hippocampi scale, one of the most powerful wands, after the elder. It was blessed by the God of the Sea." I give him a 'well-no-dip-Sherlock-he's-my-father' look, but I don't think he understands it.

Ookkkkkkk... Whelp I found myself a wand. (Pretend they already got tons of money from the gods.)

"That will be 7 galleons please." Mr. Ollivander stated. When I gave him the money, he said "Well who's next?"

Wand descriptions(I'm not doing everyone's POV.)

Percy: Hippocampi, 11 inches, slightly flexible, willow tree.

Annabeth: Owl feather, 9 1/2 inches, bouncy, Olive wood

Thalia: Unicorn hair, 13 inches, firm, PINE (hehe fixed it)

Nico: Dragon heart string, 10 inches, slightly flexible, birch

Thalia was annoyed that a unicorn hair was in hers, but she was obviously jealous of the amazing wand I got. I mean, right? Oh well. We decided to get our robes after that, then ice cream, then books, then more ice cream, then potion ingredients, then even more ice cream (what can you say? I like ice cream! They even have it blue color!) and finally, cauldrons. By then it was 10:39. I was complaining about how I wanted more ice cream only to be dragged to kings cross station. We got on just in time, to find open seats with the golden trio!

"Hello! Can we sit with you? I'm to lazy to look for any other open booths." I said and Annabeth elbowed my good side.

"What he meant to say is everywhere else is full. I looked. Not seaweed brain over here." Annabeth told the trio when they held back laughter.

"Yea, sure. You can sit with us." The frizzy haired girl replied replied with a giggle.

"Ok. I don't think we introduced ourselves. I'm Percy," Annabeth hit my side. FINE, MY GODS! "Perseus Jackson. Do. Not. Call. Me. That. Anyway, I'm starting my 7th year!" I said with a smile.


Percy, as he called himself, was kinda stuck up. In my opinion. Or maybe just reaaalllly sarcastic. Either way, I didn't like him, yet. The blonde girl went next.

"I'm Annabeth chase, Percy's my boyfriend." Annabeth said with a smile. The goth looking dude went next.

"Nico Di Angelo." Is all Nico stated.

"Thalia. Just Thalia." Is what Thalia said. Then they looked at us.

"I'm Hermione Granger." Hermiones face was buried in a book.

"Ron Weasley. Nice to meet you." His face was covered in chocolate and his mouth full.

Then the Americans look at me.

"Oh." I lifted my hair to show my scar, thinking that would explain who I am. They just stare at me more.

"Harry potter? Defeated V-Voldemort? Ring a bell?" Ron asked. He was still unsure about calling him by Voldemort.

"Nope. Nice to meet you though!" Percy replied. Then I noticed Thalia was tapping her foot, nico was twirling a wand, percy twirling a pen, and Annabeth drumming her fingers on her leg.

"Sooooo... What's the power source of your wands?" I asked, attempting to make conversation. Percy opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off by Nico.

"Water horse." Nico said with a smirk pointing to percy.

"Umm it's Hippocampi?!" Percy replied glaring. He had a really good glare. "Anyway, owl feather-" pointing to Annabeth. "-Hippocampi scale-" pointing to himself, "-dragon heart string" -pointing to Nico, Then, in a teasing tone, he chanted "-And un-i-corn taaa-il! Un-i-corn taaa-il! Un-i-corn taaa-il!" and was cut of by Thalia.

"Shut up kelp head!" Thalia yelled at Percy. "Unicorn tail hair..." Thalia muttered. She obviously didn't like that...

Quickly edited (Feb 1 2016)

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