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"Yeah foam face." Leos new nickname for me, looks like Foam face.

"Ok. So we need to figure out why you keep having these night mares with voldomort, and how we can stop them" Annabeth stated, getting right to the point.

"I don't know how he is accessing my mind. All I know is that he is super annoying, and I hope never gets a nose. He doesn't deserve. A nose." I stated, getting very sassy.

"Looks like Persassy is ok, but is Percy?" LEO asks to nobody in particular.

"Leo. You might wanna shut it" I said in my don't-mess-with-me-or-I'll-kill-you tone

"SIR YES SIR." He then put his hand to his forehead and saluted to me. "I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU MA'AM. I MEAN SIR" he looks at me, gulps, and hides behind Annabeth after he calls me ma'am.

"Anyway, if we can figure this out, we will be able to stop it using a counter product." Annabeth continues talking all science-y.

"Ok, Annabeth, can you repeat that in English please?" Leo asked, getting a look of daggers from her. He then hides behind me, realizes I'm still mad (in a joking way, but he doesn't know that), and hides in the corner.

"We find out how to use another thing to stop bad dreams." Annabeth told Leo, as if he was a 3 year old.

"Ok. I understand now," Leo comes back over, but is still keeping a foot distance from both of us.

"Well maybe I have to many memories. Of bad things. Plus I'm powerful, I'm likeable, and noticeable. It isn't very hard to point me out from the rest, plus my granddaddy- I mean Kronos, is teamed with him" I said, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, I know that seaweed brain. Maybe it has something to do with your parents..." She trailed off.

"You mean Poseidon?" I ask. Cuz you know. King of the sea an all that.

"No, Sally. She is a wizard, right? She sees through the mist. And she knew about the Greek gods at a young age before that. What if she was a Ravenclaw. Maybe she found out about this, and told someone. Maybe Voldy heard the rumor, and her being mortal, she would not be a worthy target. But you. Are the son of a witch and a God, percy. You are one of the most powerful people, ever." Annabeth was putting pieces together.

"Yea, but Annabeth, she if your one thought is wrong, then everything is wrong." I stated, feeling not very smart.

"One way to find out then. Percy, summon some mist please?" Leo asked, before Annabeth and I went into who's right and wrong.

"K" I summon some mist, take a golden coin, and throw it in. "Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Sally Jackson." A picture of my mom came up, drinking morning coffee her hair was a mess, she had bags under her eyes, and had twice as much gray hair. She was wearing PJs, and wore glasses.. I forgot the time zones are different in London then Manhattan. (Is that where she lives?) "hi mom." She looks up, and nearly spills her coffee.

"Oh Percy! You haven't kept in touch with me at all. What's up?" She asks.

"When you were at pigs warts, what house were you in?" Leo asked.

"Ok, first off, it's hogwarts, second off, I was in Ravenclaw. Why?" Sally asked, and I realized i haven't told her anything, from being taken, to dreams, to what classes I'm in.

"Do you know anything about the Neclace?" Annabeth asked. Sally's face paled a bit.

"Um... Yeah. What's going on?"

"Well, you see mom, some noseless evil did, who never seen a 3D movie, keeps torturing me on where it is, and so on." I noted.

"TORTURE?! WHAT! LIKE, BLOODY, OR LIKE, SARCASM?" She yelled, causing Paul to run in to see if she was ok.

"What's wrong? Who's there? What's goi- oh. Hi guys." Paul was in his lounge pants.

"Like, nightmare and kidnapping torture..." I trail off, feeling bad for not telling her.

"WHY DIDNT I KNOW THIS! I... I c-can't believe... C-could he really think..." She started sobbing, and I felt so bad, I wanted to slice my hand through the mist. But I didn't, CUZ I knew we had to keep talking. Paul walks over, and starts comforting her.

"If you don't wanna talk bout it right now, you don't have to." I told my mom.

"I have to go. Bye" before I could say bye back, or ask her to send blue cookies, she swiped her hand though the mist.

"Well then. We should get to sleep." Annabeth said, walking to her room. I had to stay in the hospital wing one more night.

"K guys. Bye guys." And I fell into a dreamless sleep

I wish...






HIYA MY UNITATOES. Boring chapter. I know. I'm sorry. I felt like I needed to have annabeth think she found out something, even if it's incorrect in someways.




What is the prophecy, in exact words, starting with the

Seven half bloods shall answer the call

Answer this, and get a shoutout,

Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now