1 word. Pink.

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After all that, it was Time to go to classes. Potions first, I head to professor snapes class ( HE DIDNT DIE.) and some lady was there. She had a pink thingy, with a side of pink and just a hint of pink. She looked all old and weird. Kinda resembled a toad. The demigods walk in first, followed by the Wizards. ALL of the Wizards groan, ALL OF THEM. Since I was new, I didn't know her. (Hopefully you know it's Umbridge, I don't mention her name till later, so lettin ya know!)

"Hi! I'm percy! Can I call you professor toad?" I asked once I sat down, getting looks saying 'are you Crazy with a capital C?' I turn back to Professor Toad, to see her face red as a tomato. "Should I call you Professor Tomato instead.. Or?"

"You will call me-" she was cut off by Leo.

"Me maybe! And all da other boys are bit jeeeeeeeelly! But watch me catch. On fire." He broke into his own off-key version of Call me maybe, and Professor toad was FUMING.

"Now you listen to me. I am no-"

"No matter what you say. Fire beats water. Way cooler any way. Why you gotta be so-" Leo started singing Rude in his own lyrics.

"Now you remember-"

"Remember you were sittin there by the water, you put your arm around me for the first time. " you can probably guess who said that.

" now Miss Toad -you are obviously not married, so I will say miss- when will we start throwing random things in a pot to make something that will put someone to sleep, or give them luck?" I asked, hoping Leo won't break out in song again.

"THATS. IT. I WILL NOT BE MADE FUN OF ON MY FIRST DAY BACK TO SCHOOL. YOU BOTH GET DETENTION." She screamed, while spitting. It was quite disgusting.

"Listen toad. It's quite disgusting seeing your saliva flying everywhere. So why don't you just put the potions on the board so we can make stuff." I told her. She got a hint of a sneer on her face.

"We are not making potions. We will make soups, that way, if you get hungry, you can eat." She said. I heard wizards groan as if this happened before.

"How'd you get a job her anyway? You are by far the worst teacher EVER. Even Ms. Dodds was better then you, and she was a Fury!" I challenged. I heard people laughing, as if this was the most entertainment they get in a day.

"How dare you insult me?! I am your teacher!" Gods she was annoying.

"I only insult horrible teachers. Sorry. You're the first." I think I just broke her. She took out her wand, and yelled 'SILENCIO!' Im guessing that's a silencing spell, and last time I checked, that certain spell doesn't work on demigods. I figured I would annoy her more so you know. I just had to pipe up.

"What was that supposed to do?" I ask.

"HOW. HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW. MCGONNAGLE WILL HERE ABOUT THIS. 2 WEEKS DETENTION FOR YOU MR. JACKSON, 1 WEEK OF DETENTION FOR YOU." She pointed at Leo, and I decided, I wanna have more fun. So I take out my wand, and make the spell silencio on her, only silent.

"I'm sorry? I didn't here you." I said, with my giant trouble making grin. She opens her mouth, but no words come out. She now looks more threatening then Zues on a bad day. Looks like I'm in huge trouble, but it was worth it. She storms out to where ever she goes, and leaves us in class by ourselves.

"That was bloody brilliant!"

"Good job, mate"

"You go Percy!"

"I love you" that was a random girl... PROB Talking to her boyfriend.

"That was Awesome!"

"Hey guys. Does anyone know a pink spell?" I asked with that devilish grin again.

Demiwizards? (A Percy Jackson Harry Potter crossover) (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now