The Fourth Musketeer [1]

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[A/N , if you haven't already , please read Rubix's latest chapters for TGGBB2 , it will make perfect sense . I mixed some stuff in so that it would fit for this plot . Also , this is basically just a theory fan chapter? idrk how to describe it , but as always , enjoy . Always remember that the characters rightfully go to Rubix , I just am a fan fiction writer ;;]

[Naomi's point of view]

Can I just say how perfect Bennett's cooking is? Seriously! I can't imagine any food being better than his home cooking. It's the literal definition of perfection, like for real. 

Bennett was cooking us- Us meaning me, Jordan, and Declan -breakfast for the day. It was a good day as well because Declan and Bennett came back from their gang trip thing. I was excited to see them back, because it was kind of getting bland without them here. Sorry Jordan...

Jordan filled them in with all the details of what happened with Dominic and all that jazz. I was just sipping orange juice through everything, not making a snarky comment in any of the things Jordan was talking about, since it was serious of course. 

Declan nearly hit Jordan if I hadn't stop him when it came to the part where me and Jordan were arguing. Yeah, rough times. 

"Wonder what would've happened if we were there," Declan says, eyeing Bennett, who paid no attention to him. Bennett handed me my stack of waffles and a can of whip cream. Jordan opened his mouth in awe, looking at Bennett.

"Bent! What the heck dude, why are you giving her food first! I'm a hungry, growing man here," Jordan exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. 

"She had to deal with you," Bennett replied, cutting some fruits up. Jordan cursed under his breath. Bennett heard him threw a strawberry at him. He happily caught it in his mouth. I applauded him for his somewhat talent with a full mouth of waffles. 

"Why thank you Naomi," he says, bowing. I chuckled, taking another bite of my delicious food. 

These guys are the best, I could never ask for anyone else. 


It's been a couple of hours of talking about our next plans and move. Bennett had informed me that all the gangs against the Musketeers are in great interest of the Fourth Musketeer, which would be me. They told me that their next move would be moving inwards in the city, block by block and slowly, and that they'll be moving in small groups. 

"It's hard to say whether or not they'll be moving this week, this month, or even next month. From our trusted sources, we've collected a list of places they might be hiding out in," Bennett says, pulling out a piece of notebook paper from his pocket. He unfolds it and shows it to me and Jordan. "Places like old diners, worn down clubs, and even subways are locations they'll be lingering most about."

Jordan scratched his head, staring at the long list. I, myself, was not surprised that they'd even pick such isolated areas. It only makes sense why- because of attention. As far as my knowledge goes, Gangs always would pick deserted areas that would have a least amount of security in terms of technology and society. 

"Bent, don't we already own like half of these territories?" Jordan asks. Declan coughs and Bennett rubs his temples. 

"Yes Jordan, we do. But do you think that that's going to stop them from invading?" Bennett says, laying back. 

I wrinkled my nose. "How'd you guys claim these territories?" 

I was curious okay? It's not like they have their own twitter instagram account with pictures of these places and literally showing that they own it. 

TGGBB2 FanFiction Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now