Bennett and Brennan

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A/N- How ironic. I, Izu is back, and so as the little fan-fictional characters. As always, enjoy!

{Third Person Point Of View}

Naomi shivers as the air conditioner blows away in front of her. Sitting in the middle between Jordan and Declan was seriously a bad idea. The air conditioner blew some really cold air. And the lemon scented car air fresheners really smelled sour. The good kind of sour anyway, not like bad. 

Jordan looks outside to see the huge airplane land onto the wide pavements. As the car drives on the rubble-road, Brennan scrapes her nails with a pink sparkly nail filer. Whilst Bennett keeps an eye out for Naomi. Declan swipes his phone, left, right, then up. 

"So," Brennan starts off, she stops filing and holds her hand out, examining her perfect nail beds, then continues to file, "Naomi, do you have an interests I should know about?"

Bennett opens his mouth but Jordan cuts him off first. 

"Naomi is really smart. She is called Ner-"

Jordan shows a grimace on his face as Declan slowly takes his foot off of Jordan's feet. "N-nevermind." 

Jordan whimpers as he rubs his foot back and forth. Bennett chuckles while Brennan smacks a smirk on her face. 

"Well, Naomi?"

{Naomi's Point of View}

I get startled at her voice. It's mature, stern, and it's kind of something that you don't wanna mess with. Yes, her outside self looks something you would mess with, but once words come out of her mouth like that, you should sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and start taking notes. Brennan isn't scary, just intimidating. I mean, yeah "scary" and "intimidating" are the same words, but intimidating seems more fitting for a person like Brennan. 

"Well, Naomi?" she asks once more. I look up at her mirror and see myself in her background. I finally have the courage to answer her question. A bead of sweat rolls down my side cheek as I slowly opened my mouth. 

"W-well, I love reading. And i'm excellent academically. I love drawing. Of course i'm not artistic like Jordan is. But I am really good at mathematics, science and biology, and writing." I answer, trailing off at the end. I twiddle with my fingers as I stare at my one thumb, waiting for a reply. I was kind of scared of what she was going to say back, since she was kind of like a critic of some sort. Messing with her, oh god. She might take both of extravagant heels and throw them at you, stabbing your neck and your heart. 

And i'm not even kidding about that... 

She stops filing her hands and puts them out to examine them. She then turns around and looks at me. I stopped what I was doing and  looked at her. She smiled with her pink lipstick and winked. She turned back and continued to file her nails. 

"Oh Naomi. How do I love having you around now. I've always wanted a younger sister, but never got one. I have two younger brothers, Bentley and Bennett. But I don't have a little sister, and sadly, I won't be receiving one anytime soon, If you know what I mean." she said. 

Awkward silence filled the car as no one had to comment to that. Jordan coughed, making Declan startled a bit. Bennett keeps a straight eye towards the road, and all you could hear was the car driving. 

"So Benny-dear, how is school?" she says, startling all of us except for Bennett. She smiles at him as he does nothing in return. 

"School is fine Brennan." is all Bennett said in reply. 

"Oh but Bennett. News say that you've made quite a ruckus from the past year or so at school. What were the fights about...?" 

"None of your business."

She makes a puppy face and pouts. "Benny you are no fun these days. I remember when you were so elastic and excitable when you were younger. Always screaming and yelling. You seemed to be the fun type of person growing up. Now you are so full of gloom."

"Your point?"

Brennan makes an exaggerated shocked face towards Bennett, which again, Bennett had no reply to.

"BENNY! My point is that you need to smile more. You need to have more emotions-"

"I already have emotions and feelings." he cuts off. 

"Well I meant you need physical feelings and emotions."

He groans and sinks a little in his seat. Jordan restrains himself from laughing while Declan just smiles. I for one is very confused on this conversation. 

"Brennan, you are being over-dramatic about this topic. I chose to be this way, no one made me do this." Bennett says firmly. 

"Over-dramatic? Well sorry little-brother but I am just thinking about your future. Who's gonna take care of you when you get older? You can't make new friends or meet someone to make love with and start a family with if you're gonna stay emotionless like a robot. Not that many people exceed to this standard, Bennett. You're gonna be sorry for this sooner or later, and you will just sit there on your couch crying since your girlfriend just broke up with you." she replies with. 

"Do you really fantasize about my "future" that much to come up with this irrelevant conclusion?"

"Who knows Bennett. I don't know myself."

"How does this make any sense to you..."

She laughs at the end and playfully punches Bennett's shoulder. "You know I am joking, right Benny?"

"How could I've known Bren, how could i've known..." he says, tiredly. 


Ello my mangoes. It is I, Izu. I is back :3 

Sorry for the short chapter, I made this in ten minutes flat with no coffee ;~;

I'm so sorry for the long wait. A month without a chapter really hurts me. But school is getting in the way of this. I have to keep up with my grades, sadly, or I will have to quit Wattpad for the sake of it. High-school applications are kind of tough, since I live in a complicated area in this state. I really dunno why we have to go through this whole process. At my other school in Tennessee, we waited till like the end of May to start applying for new schools. And all you had to do is go to school, sign up, and they'll give you a letter in the mean-time or an email to say if you gotten in or not. 

I really am sorry though. </3

New chapters should be coming soon~.

Cya Laterz Potaterz~~


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