Paying a visit

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That night we decide to sleep out side. we all find a sleeping buddy. Anna told the girls to pick a guy sleeping buddy. Anna when with Kristoff, Merida, with hiccup, and rap told us she was sleeping in the tent alone. so there was only me and jack left. rafter everyone lay down I decided to go for a walk. I walk up too a tall, sharp, rock and decide to climb it. I climb until I'm on top then I look at the stars. this is something I've never done in along time, between work and my parents death I've had no time.

"Do you do this alot?" a voice say waking me from my toughs. "um no" I say and turn around and see jack. "Well why did you run off then?" he asks. "um, just thinking about today, my parents, eugene." I say and he dose something totally unexpected, he hugs me. "what was that for?" I ask and he smiles "I don't know." He says. I don't smile but I just nod. "what do you never smile?" he asks. "not really. not after my parents murder." I say and he stands up from where were sitting. "oh" he says. "sorry I didn't know" he says and hugs me again. "no one did. no one dose. they just know they died they don't know they were killed." I say and jack smiles. then he kisses me on the forehead. "We should sleep. goodnight" he says. then I do something I never thought I would do. I stand up in my tip toes and slowly peek him on the lips. "goodnight" I say and i climb down the rock.

When I get back I try not to look at jack. that was weird. I walk over to my sleeping bag and climb in.

Soon I'm asleep.

I wake up to something hitting my face blood. I'm full of blood. I look up and see pitch standing over me dripping his own blood into me. I scream, waking everyone up and he runs off into the woods. I feel something beside me too. I get out of my sleeping bag and see my hands are full if bloody. I look down and see a sleeping Eugene. he alive. "he alive! " I yell. they all run to me and look at his sleeping face. he's full of blood and beatin badly but he's Alive. I see a note below his head so I pick it up and read it.


Join me and no others will be as lucky as him. and ever day someone goes missing you'll wake up wth red hands.


I look down at my hand and remember the blood in my face. "how are you not crying?" kristoff asks "I have on reason to cry. I have no tears left to cry any way. kristoff. I'm alone in this world, in like you how has Anna and Sven. Me, I have no one" I say and kristoff looks at me. "I also have nothing to live for so I'm going to go with pitch, I'm not putting you guys in danger any more." I say and walk off into the woods. "nooooo!" was the last thing I Herd before running into the boggy man himself.

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