Battle p.5 (last)

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I feel like shit leaving elsa behind. "guys....." I say and they all turn to me. I don't say another word before I'm running back to camp. "jack don't!" Eugene yells but rap holes him back. she's letting me go.


"Good bye Elsie." he says and my blood boils. "wait!" I say and he pulls the gun away from my head. I stand up and speed my arms so he has a free shot. he backs up and starts to pull the trigger. I here the sound of the gun being shot but feel nothing. I open my eyes and look down to see jack laying on the ground holding his now bleeding stomach. no, no! he toke a bullet for me. no! I feel tears start to come to bit my cheeks.

I start to walk/limb over to pitch. I grab my gun from the ground and quickly shot him in the arm. he falls and the spell Is lifted from those people. I look at in of the men and say run so try all do. In all the running away I lose pitch and he's gone. but I know he'll be back.

I drag jack over to the medics office. I lay him on a bed and start to rip his shirt. after his shirt is off I start to pull out the bullet with a pare of tweezers. after that's done I rap his hole stomach in goss(<- probable spelled wrong.)

After he is cleaned up in look at his abs. sorry but there are 8 so I just.... Oh forget it. I put my hand on his and and run them up his body until I reach his neck. he is asleep so he doesn't feel any thing. I slowly lean down and kiss his sleeping lips. it was only a peck! he'd isn't move. I pull away and look at his face. he is such a beautiful creature. his perfect white hair, his square jaw. his beautiful, pick, kissable lips..... stop it elsa! your feeling again!

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by all of the rest is the group busting in. "what happened?" rap asks "he toke a bullet for me." I say an there are 2 small aww's. Then there's Merida that say eww. I blush alittle then remember not to feel! I soon stop and then rap look at me as I limp over to the chair. "you got shoot" rap says "yeah but I'm fine." I lie. it really hurts like hell! "let me see. She sas and I pull up my pant leg to see a big bloody hole. (the size of your tumb) punzle starts to rap my leg as u whimper. this really hurts. "elsa! did you pull the bullet out yourself!?" she yell/asks. "yeah" I say and shrug. she gives me and death glare and finishes rapping it. she takes her hands away from my leg and the cloth she rapped it in become full of blood. "elsa he got you good" she says and I shrug. "don't walk in it alot." She says and hands me crushes. "if you do walk use these."

After everyone leaves I look at jack then touch my lips where I kissed him. it felt so right but so wrong at the same time. Anna walks in and sees me touching my lips then she smiles. "you kissed him!" she yell/whispers. "yes but don't tell him that" I say and look over at him. "he is sitting up and smirking me. fuck!


She kissed me! she said she kissed me too Anna. so she mush have! I smirk and she looks at me. then she runs out. "you must have really liked that." Anna says "shut up." I say and she giggles.

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