Chapter 66

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"It's Bilbo! He's alive!" Oin said excitedly. They finally had hope. Fili led the others down the stairs towards the Hobbit. 

"Stop. Stop. Stop!" Bilbo put his hands out, pushing back against Fili's chest. "You need to leave."

"We only just got here!" Bofur argued. 

"I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen!" Bilbo seemed panicked, his speech was fast, his hands he was wringing his hands before him, he kept glancing over his shoulder as if he were being watched. 

"What do you mean, laddie?" Oin adjusted his trumpet. That feeling of dread washed over Fili again, he looked back at Kili who had also paled. 

"THORIN. Thorin. Thorin. He's been out there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself - not at all. It's this - It's this place. I think a sickness lies on it." Fili's heart stopped. Dis had told him stories when he was young, tales of their Grandfather's sickness. He pushed past Bilbo, desperate to find his Uncle. 

"Fili!" Bilbo barked. "Fili!" He seemed to be lowering his voice. "FILI!" He whispered yelled. As The young dwarf prince rounded the corner, he was met with the glittering light of mountains of gold. Rubies, sapphire, emeralds, diamonds, gold, silver, mithril, every single precious mineral in Middle Earth was piled in the cavern. The sight took Fili's breath away. 

"Gold - Gold beyond measure." Fili's eyes turned downward, meeting the gaze of his Uncle. 

"Beyond sorrow and grief." Kili's stomach knotted and churned, he looked at his older brother with uncertainty. "Behold - the great treasure hoard of Thror." Thorin pitched something up towards the brothers. Fili opened his hand, catching a ruby the size of a large rabbit. "Welcome, my sister's sons, to the kingdom of Erebor." Thorin grinned at them, but it wasn't his smile, there was no mirth in his eyes, no genuineness about him at all, he seemed almost like a marionet, or like he was taken over by something.

"The others are this way." Bilbo whispered, taking hold of Fili's sleeve. "Leave him, he won't follow us." 

As they entered the room, they were greeted by the remainder of the company. Bofur was nearly brought to tears when he saw his brother and cousin. Oin and Gloin shared a long hug, both whispering something to one another in Khzadul. Kili greeted Balin with open arms but stiffened when he saw the look on the elder's face. 

"What is it?" He questioned. 

"Someone's missing." Fili noted, looking around frantically. 

"Where is she?" Kili turned back to Balin. "Where is Beuren?" Dwalin stepped forward, resting his hand heavily on Kili's shoulder. 

"She's not well." He whispered. "Follow me." They trailed Dwalin and Balin through the maze that was Erebor. The twisting halls and winding staircases were easy to get lost in if you didn't know where to go. As they approached the King's quarters, the princes began to grow even more suspicious. 

"Before we go in," Balin stopped them. "Let us explain." Fili nodded for him to continue. "What she did was very brave, it saved our lives."

"But she's going to be a bit-"

"Different." Balin finished. "We got cornered. She thought she could take on the dragon alone, distract him while we escaped,"

"And she did, valiantly." 

"But, he got her..."

"Got her? What do you mean he got her, what did he do?" Kili was growing impatient. "Where is she?" 

"Kili-" Fili reached a hand out towards his brother. 

"No, where is she?" He pushed past the brothers and into the King's quarters. "BEUREN!" He shouted, hearing a soft voice reply, with what he didn't understand. He followed the sound down three doors to the right. Before Dwalin could stop him, he shoved the door open and stepped inside. "Beuren?" She turned, looking back at him with surprise. 

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