Chapter 80

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18 Months Later

Beuren rushed down the stairs from her quarters. She hiked her skirt as she raced down the hall, even in her old age she was as agile as the fair folk she took much after. Her bare feet pattered on the stone floor as she entered the throne room.

"Gilthoniel!" Dwalin's voice cracked as he looked down at his daughter.

"Hi Papa." Beuren ran forward, collecting her daughter in her arms, tears streaming from her eyes. "Mama." They sunk to their knees, both crying tears of relief and joy. Strong arms embraced them both, Dwalin pressing a kiss to his adopted daughter's inken hair.

"Oh, Gili, my darling."

"I'm ok, Mama. Promise." Beuren cradled her daughter's face. "We both are."

"Both?" From the other side of the throne room, someone cleared their throat, standing shyly at the entrance of the hall.

"Who might you be?" Dwalin questioned, his grip on his family tightening.

"It's ok, Papa." Gilthoniel stood, holding her hand out to the man. "While I was gone, I...I met someone." Beuren could feel her daughter's grin. She rose, Dwalin following in suit. "Mama, Papa, this is Eomer, son of Eomund."

"Eomer." Beuren smiled. "What a handsome name." 

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