2. Roman

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I sat there in that room and I could feel my throat closing. We were in a courtroom but it wasn't a trial. Deceit said Logan called another supernatural to judge the case since it was a special one. There wasn't many that would because it involved the family but... One obviously did. 

"Whose this?" I looked up to see a young man pointing at me. I just looked away and Logan sighed.

"That's Roman Sanders. He was the lead officer in charge of Mr. Evans. He was also there when the incident accord." I scoffed and Logan frowned.

"You mean when the bitch sent a knife through my gut. Yes... Yes, I was there." Logan facepalmed while the other guy just laughed. He pushed his glasses down, revealing his pure white eyes, and smiled. 

"I like him. Anyway, the purpose of this is to determine the best course of action with the Vampire known as Deceit Evans." He started reading off these papers and I crossed my arms as i listened, taking everything in. "His creator has relinquished all rights to a Virgil..." My eyes narrowed and the guy frowned. "To a Virgil Vanhelsing. A.k.a Virgil Mathews, who at this moment in time cannot be located. Thus passing responsibility to his thrall and newly created Vampire Fledgling..." He looked up at me and I got a sinking feeling. "Roman Sanders."

"So that's why I had to be here." I ran a hand through my hair and the man nodded. "So since Virgil let... I get saddled with his shit."

"Pretty much." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "So... I, Jeremy Sutton, have chosen to preside over this case... blah blah blah.. ok I don't really give a shit about formalities. Its all pointless crap anyway."

"Remy, please." Logan said as he held his forehead in disbelief and frustration. "The verdict."

"Annabelle Pines is charged with kidnapping an attempted murder of a superior. Her sentence is dropped due to lack of, well, life." I chucked a little and Logan shot me a look. I ignored him of course. "Deceit Evans has been found guilty only of espionage of a high ranking superior but in light of the circumstances has not been charged with anything." Remy threw the papers back and clapped his hands dramatically. "Congrats your friend is safe."

"Wait, he said he was facing..." Remy narrowed his eyes at me and I stopped.

"He's got friends in high places. He should be very happy to learn he's gotten off with hardly a slap on the wrist. I wouldn't try to push for answers Roman." I just shrugged and got up.

"As long as my friends free I couldn't care less. Are we done here?" They both nodded and I started to leave.

"Oh by the way..." I glanced behind me to see this shit eating grin on Remy's face. "Happy birthday, kid."

"Yeah whatever..." I need a drink!

I found myself at a bar and I couldn't help but laugh. According to them all, the day I turned I was 'reborn'. Meaning it's now my birthday. Meaning technically by vampiric standerds I am only a year old. I held my glass up and smiled. I'm an underage vampire drinking in a bar. Never thought I'd be saying that in my life.

Roman Sanders Vampire... HA! When I was younger I was more concerned with breaking into the theater and acting out part of a play until I was found. Then I was more concerned with passing my exams and becoming a good cop. Now I'm trying to get drunk at a bar, because i'm lonely and pissed and hurt and I can't get out of my own thoughts long enough to work through shit!

"Drinking to remember or to forget?" I turned to see someone sitting next to me. I just smiled and took another sip. His face was hidden by his hood and long black curly hair, that seemed to poke through it.

"I haven't decided yet. But hey... It's my birthday, so bottoms up." I practically downed the glass as the man laughed beside me. I looked down at my almost empty glass and I sighed. It's not like I can get drunk anyway. Deceit's probably freaking out wondering where I went. I should just go home. 

"I'd say happy birthday, but you don't seem to happy." I laughed feeling the tears start to well up. He wrapped his coat around himself tighter and I frowned. "I'll take that as a no."

"I'm good. It's a very happy birthday. My friend got exonerated, and I left the house for the first time in god knows how long. All in all, I'd say it's the best one I've had. What about you sir? Why are you at the bar drinking? I'm sure you have a story to tell." I turned looked at him but he didn't move a muscle. I'm sure he could tell by my attitude I didn't come for conversation. I was frustrated and taking it out on him, but what do you expect from someone trying to get drunk? Trying and failing... stupid Vampire body, unable to actually get drunk. It fucking sucks.

"Well, I'm just drinking." I narrowed my eyes as he held his glass up. "I don't really have the right to feel like shit when I made the choice to leave him." He downed his glass and hopped off his chair placing a few dollars on the table before turning to leave. "I wish your birthday end a little happier than it seems to have started."

"Uh, yeah... thanks, I guess."

"Don't mention it. Goodbye, Roman." 

Sanders~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now