33. Virgil

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It was dark. It was dark and quiet. It was suffocating. I hated it. It was cold and so very quiet. The pain was gone. There was nothing but that chilling cold. I died. I know I did. I had to have. That siren... He crushed my heart. He shattered my bones and choked me on my own blood. And if somehow none of that killed me... He ordered my body to die. My heart stopped. I know. I heard it stop. I heard my heard go silent. As silent as it was now around me. I couldn't take it. I reached out through the black desperate for something but all I touched was a black fog. It dug into my skin with this icy touch that burned and I started to cry. I failed. I failed to end my sisters suffering. I fail in bringing her piece. I fail in saving her from herself. I failed...

"You did not fail, Virgil." I turned to see another version of myself staring back at me. This me was from before. Before I was ever Virgil Mathews. Back when all I wanted was revenge... Back before I met Patton. Back... Back when I was no different than my sister. He smiled a wicked grin showing his fangs and I frowned. "You didn't fail. You just had... a setback."

"A setback? I died." He laughed and I cringed. The sound of it was cold and hollow. Like a dismal chord echoing against the walls of a broken heart to the sound of dying heartbeat.

"Did you? Because... most aren't aware that they died." I narrowed my eyes as he held his arms out. "Most don't hear their own heart stop beating."

"I died. I had to have... What else could have happened?" He just laughed again as he slowly made his way closer.

"Do you remember that day in Paris?" I frowned as he brushed his fingers against my skin. Sparks spread out threating to ignite the chilled air as if that could somehow give this desolate dark realm a little warmth. The other me just gripped my arm tightly. So tight I could break free. "You were on a job. Hunting a Succubus, right? Nasty fucker, that one. She tried so hard to get you to fall... But she didn't count on you being gay, huh?"

"What's the point in this?" He rolled up my jacket sleeve and traced the very long scar down my arm with this sick smile.

"She never planned on that... so she took you and locked you up. Practically drained you dry just hanging there like a bag of meat." I tried to pull my arm free but he just kept holding his grip getting tighter and tighter till I swear I heard my bones break. "The black was creeping in... She was laughing. She held this knife up holding right over your heart and then..." He poked right in the chest with this evil look in his eyes. "Poof." He laughed again as he let go taking a step back. I winced at the pain in my arm as it already started to bruise. "You woke up unchained an uninjured next to a dead slutty bitch. How?"

"I don't remember." He narrowed his eyes and shook his head causing me to feel a little anxious.

"No, Virgil. You don't want to remember." He started to get closer and I backed up. "She killed you." I shook my head as his voice started to drown everything out. "She killed you and you snapped."

"N-No... That isn't true." His laugh reverberated around intruding in my head till it hurt. I clasped my hands over my ears trying fruitlessly to block out the sound.

"She killed you, Virgil! Stabbed you right in the heart. But you didn't stay dead. No, you came back... And killed her instead." I fell to my knees feeling the panic rise up and he just laughed. "Face it, Virgil. She killed you and you snapped. You came back and tore her apart."

"ThAt WoRtHlEsS BiTcH HaD It CoMiNg!" I snapped feeling the anxiety turn to rage and the other me smiled happily as he stepped back. He knelt down beside me with a soft smile and I frowned. "How... How did I..."

"You can't die, Virgil. You're soul... It won't let you. You'll body will always heal. You will always stay and you'll always 'wake up'." I frowned slightly looking down at the blackened floor. "You're forever stuck in this unending hell. You're forever... eternal... You're immortal."

"If that's true then... Where the fuck am I?" He smiled brightly before point up and tapping my head. I narrowed my eyes as he laughed softly. 

"You're always fighting yourself, Virgil. You always see things as black and white. You're either one or the other. Good or bad... Hunter or Vampire. But Virgil... Just being black and white doesn't exist. Not even here. Even with the filter B&W, it is never JUST black and white. There will always be grey." I watched as he stood up slowly taking a deep breath before helping me to my feet. "Right now, You're Virgil Mathews... Vampire. I... I am Virgil Van Helsing. The part of us that was the hunter. But we are both the same person. You need to stop seeing black and white... and start seeing the color!" The world exploded around us in a swirl of bright colors, a full rainbow rushing around like the waves of a holographic sea. I watched as he slowly started to glow, matching the ever-changing colors around me until all the light and the colors and him just slammed into me. I woke up on the cold floor gasping for breath. 

"The fuck..." I looked around at a loss for what just happened and I frowned. Once again I've woken up after 'dying' with the person who killed me dead instead. Chris Pines played there on the ground broken and bleeding. I couldn't find the words to say. Well, except maybe... "Good riddance." I narrowed my eyes seeing this glint amongst the red and I frowned. I picked up this phone and glanced over at the dead man smirking. "You overconfident fucker." I clicked the power button to see a small text notification. I pressed it to see my sister had texted him. "You told you I was dead. Well now... weren't you surprised?" I laughed as I threw the phone to the floor with so much strength it shattered on impact. "Why don't I tell her the good news in person huh? After all... It seems she has a few friends of mine." I cracked my neck reveling in the pop it made and grinned maliciously. "I guess I'm going home."

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