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• Moving  •

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Your p.o.v

"What was it?" I asked my boyfriend Hyunbin, he got something in his mail. I got up from his couch and walked over to him and looked over from his shoulder. It was a letter, he opened it. "You've been accepted to Seoul's university" he read out loud

I looked at him happily. "You got accepted??" I asked him happily, he turned to me and nodded happily. I clapped happily and cheered for him, we hugged each other and jumped happily

We stop jumping but we were still hugging,I patted his back. "Your going to your dream university!!" I said as I let go of him and smiled, he did the same

"But the sad thing is were going to be far from each other" I said sadly. "Y/n-ah come on, we will still visit each other everyday if we can or atleast every week!" He said, I nodded sadly. "Come on let's go celebrate!" He said as I nodded


We decided to walk and go eat somewhere. Hyunbin put his arm around my shoulder. "Once you get there don't find another girl okay?" I told him. "I won't be there with you all the time, who knows you can go with other girls behind my back" I said slightly worried

I heard Hyunbin laugh. "Yah Hyunbin you think this is funny?" I asked him as he nodded, he turned to me. "Y/n-ah you think I will look for another girl?" He asked me. I slightly nodded a bit

"Come on how can I leave my beautiful Y/n" he said as he cupped my face."Look at you, you look so adorable" he said squishing my face with his hands, he laughed. "Okay okay I get it" I slightly mumbled

He smiled. "You should be happy, I'll call you everyday and facetime you as well if we can't see each other" he said, I nodded happily


"Come on wake up!!" I heard someone say as they slightly pushed me, I whined. "Why!!!" I whined again. "Don't you wanna drop me off?" It was Hyunbin, I got up tiredly and put on a over sized hoodie

"See I knew that would work, I thought you were going leave me" he said as he smiled. "Lets go then" he said, I nodded tiredly. "Did you eat already?" I asked him tiredly, he nodded

"I woke up a bit earlier, I got you this to" he said as he handed me some food I smiled at him. "Thanks" I said he just nodded. We walked out and  walked to my car. "How did you get over here?" I asked him

" I came by a taxi" he said, I nodded and started to eat. "Mmh this is good" I said he smiled as he drove. "Hyungbin-ah aren't you nervous?" I asked him as I turned to him. "Mmh I am but I'm so excited" he said happily as I smiled and pinched his cheeks and laughed

" I'm gonna miss this though" he said sadly as I nodded

At the university

"Were finally here" I said we go out of the car, i walked over to him happily. "You made it!" I said as I looked at the university a bit sadly. He nodded happily, and then turned to me, he sighed and put his hands and my shoulders and turned me so I could look at him

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