Chapter 11: Cross My Heart

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Chapter 11: Cross My Heart

"Promise me, no matter what happened, you will save my family... promise me." Elsa bagged as she looked at Jack, his eyes screaming at her, "Nothing will happen to you though... Nothing." He answered not believe it himself. Elsa placed her hand on his cheek, "Cross your heart." She says making him smile, "You're so childish..." He says but he crosses his heart, "I cross my heart...

"And hope to die." 

Elsa felt her eyes open she remember that, it was her premonition, the one she had a month before she meet Jack, why was she thinking about that? Then she felt a pain go through her head as she started to remember everything, the day she really meet Jack, Kristoff, and Rain. She's known them all for years, how she fell in love with Jack the minute she saw him feeding in the woods, he was Jackson Glass, the man she wanted to marry. She hissed in pain as the pain started to go down, she lifted her head to see she wasn't in the werewolf village anymore, she was in a bedroom, where was she? "Elsa... You're awake." She hears as she looks next to her to see someone she thought she'd never see in person again, "Mom..." She whispered as Elizabeth grabbed her hand, tears in her eyes.

"Oh Elsa..." she whispered as she pulled her in for a hug. Elsa hugged her as hard as she could, scared this was all a dream. "I thought I'd never see you again." She whispered as Elizabeth pulled back making her smile as she put her hands on her daughter's cheek, "Oh Elsa, look at you, all grown up." she says with a smile making Elsa smile. "She sure has." Elsa heard making her head turn to the door, Elizabeth's eyes following behind. By the door stood Henry and Elsa remembered everything about him. "Henry Glass... The bastard that took my mother and hurt his son." She hissed making Henry smile, "Well look at that, you remember me, I'm touched Elsa I really am." He says placing his hand on his heart as he walks over to the bed that Elsa laid on.

"Beth, please leave Elsa and I alone." Henry said making Elizabeth stand and started to walk out of the room. Elsa didn't try to make her stop, she knew she wouldn't so she waited until she was out of of the room before she punched Henry in the face and jumped of the bed. "You won't get to far love." Henry yelled as Elsa stopped and turned to him, "The moon is gone now, it's morning, and with that little thing around your neck." He said making Elsa touch her neck, she didn't notice a necklace around her. "You won't be able to use your powers." He laughed only to make Elsa more anger. She studied Henry, him and Jack had to same eyes, and their smiles were almost the same but Jack was gentle, not evil like Henry's and she could see a nice shiner going on his eye from the punch, good.

She remember meeting Henry once when she was little, when Ella and Henry come to visit them with Jack, she always had a bad vibe about him and she didn't like how he looked at her, just like he was looking at her now, almost a look of lust. He touched his eye lightly wincing a little, "You got a mean right hook, I'm impressed." He says but Elsa doesn't say anything, she held her ground. "You know, you look just like your mother." He says as Elsa glared, "Damn, you even have her glare down." "What do you want Henry?" She hissed making him smile agin, "What I always wanted, to kill all of the werewolves and have power." He answered.

"I will never help you." she growled making Henry point at her, "That... Is a good point you won't but... I bet you'd changed you mind if I say..." He started to circle her, making her more nervous just watching him watch her. "I kill everyone you love. Starting with your sister." He says stopping right in front of her. She felt her hand go into a fist. "And we know your little familiar of a boyfriend will be here soon... I'll kill him last." "You'd kill your own son.... Just to have my power?" She asked her voice shaking. "Jack doesn't want what I have to give him, it's time to let him be with his mother, don't you think?" He ask making her look away, "You're a monster."

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