Gagged With Fates Noose

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Dead awoke to the sound of someone angrily pounding on the front door.


Dead didn't move, he didn't really want to get up.

"PELLE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" The voice repeated while still pounding on the door.

Dead groaned loudly and stumbled to the front door through the dark and pulled it open.

"It's about fuckin' time," Said Euronymous, who barged inside shoving past Dead. He smelled like sweat and liquor, but that was typical.

"You should have had your keys," Mumbled Dead throwing himself down sleepily onto the couch.

"Shut up," Euronymous replied while hastily pulling open cabinets and searching through them.

"What are you looking for?" Asked Dead as he watched Euronymous ransacking the house.

"I said shut up!"

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed," Said Dead standing up, "And by the way, Varg stopped by earlier today looking for you." He added.

"What?" Euronymous suddenly stopped what he was doing and now stood facing Dead.

"You're not fucking deaf, you heard me." Said Dead walking back to his room.

Euronymous tackled Dead, violently slamming him to the ground and pinning him there.

"Get the fuck off of me," Dead groaned having just had the air knocked out of his lungs.

"Did he say why he was looking for me?" Spoke Euronymous through clenched teeth.


Euronymous stared at Dead directly in the eyes, trying to detect a lie.

"Don't fucking lie to me Pelle!" Shouted Euronymous in his face.

"Why would I lie?" Said Dead.

Then Euronymous let go of his wrists.
"Fuck you. Just go to bed. I'll deal with this by myself," He said pulling himself up off Dead.

Dead stood up, his back was already sore from being slammed on the ground, still he just walked off to his room like nothing happened.

Euronymous went back to searching through the cabinets, soon to find what he was searching for.

"Alright..." A crooked smile spread across his face as he held a CZ 75 semi-automatic in his hand.

"Keep on looking for me Varg..."

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