Nightmares and nightingales 💗

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everyone was in bed asleep we managed to carry Mia to bed quite easily seems as she was fast asleep and wouldn't wake up,i could feel someone shaking me awake "demi wake up babe mia's sobbing" i heard lauren say,i quickly woke up and jumped out of bed walking quickly to mia's room " i thought i head something and was going to check but then i heard her sobbing" lauren whispered, as we where about to open the door we both heard mia talking in her sleep "please stop please no stop im sorry i won't tell anyone im sorry" i looked at lauren who looked ready to fight whatever or whoever was hurting mia although we both had a good idea who that was,we opened the door and seen mia still in this nightmare "mia baby wake up for us sweetie its okay it was a dream your safe" i said gently brushing the hair out of mia's eyes as they quickly opened and the most heartbreaking sobs escaped out, mia was lying down so i quickly and gently wrapped my arms around her as she clung onto me "shhh its okay baby girl its okay where here your safe no ones going to hurt you" i said as mia still had tight hold of me,i quickly looked at the time seeing it was 2am i didn't want to leave mia alone in a room to go back to sleep "sweetie why don't we go to my room and you can sleep in our bed" i said watching mia nod tears where still sliding down her face, i watched as mia grabbed tight hold of her teddy in one hand as she reached for my hand with the other,lauren helped pull mia's cover back and helped mia sit up "your okay sweetie where going slow okay" lauren said "i i that dream" mia tried to say but was to upset to carry on, i sat up and then helped mia up and slowly started walking with lauren and mia to our room i could feel how scared mia was "sweetie that dream you had was it a dream or has something happened" i asked watching mia look down, i seen lauren come close "baby we kind of know somethings happened you have a bruise on your cheek,you have hardly any clothes ,you hardly ate any tea"lauren said gently ,as mia was listening to lauren i realised she had tight hold of her arms,lauren looked over to me and i looked at her then mia's arms,i watched laurens eyes grow wide in shock she looked back at mia "mmyy mom and dad get aangry it hurts" mia said looking so lost,i looked at the time and seen it was nearly 3.30am "mia sweetheart im very proud of you for telling us that,you should be very proud of yourself for being so brave" i said watching mia look down "why don't we get some more sleep and if we need to talk more tomorrow we will do" i said watching mia nod we all got into bed and laid down lauren was nearly asleep but mia was lying still looking so lost i lifted her head up and let her lay on my arm and gently pulled her close and softly started singing

As i reached the end of the song mia was cuddled upto me sound asleep.
I woke up the next morning and looked over at demi and mia who where still fast asleep,i looked at the time and seen it was 11.30 am wow id slept in i got out of bed and went to start breakfast for us all,as i was plating the pancakes i felt demi hugging me from behind "morning at least i think its morning" demi said as i giggled "its 11.30 is mia awake" i asked looking at demi as she made our coffee "yeah i said we would talk again later about last night" demi said looking at me,just then i heard someone at the door and ran to answer it i opened the door i seen demi's manager lori and our lawyer ally stood their "whats happened" i asked as the girls walked in "is mia still here" ally asked "we've not long woke up mias woke up two seconds ago" i said watching as demi came down the stairs with mia who was shaking like crazy and silently crying, i quickly moved so i was in front of mia "whatever's happened sweetie we'll keep you safe nothing bad will happen i promise" i said as we all walked into the living room and sat down i could feel mia sobbing silently as lori and ally looked at her sadly "guys theirs no easy way to tell you this mia's parents have terminated their rights,we know mia is with you demi for a year but without a parent she can't stay and would have to go into foster care" ally said i looked over at demi who was holding mia tight we caught eyes and both nodded "we'll adopt her" i said as lori and ally both looked at us,lori looked shocked but ally smiled sadly at us "and thats why i had a adoption license form in my bag" she said handing me the form i signed it quickly and held mia while demi signed "ally i would like to file a report" demi said as ally looked up shocked "against who" she said "mias old parents we have some evidence that their was abuse against my child i would like a report against them" demi said looking serious "i will do the statement and fax it to you as soon as possible" i said mia looked shocked, "mia i understand all this is a massive shock but we will do everything we can to make sure no one ever hurts you ever again" ally said looking at mia lori was sat looking at us all " so i guess we need a bigger tour bus with a family room at the back" she said smiling.
Iv never thought a dream could come true so fast,i knew i would have to tell them what happened and what they done to me but i actually felt safe for the first time in years i slowly looked up and over to demi and seen her smiling at me, "thats one cute ass smile mia" i heard demi say which made me giggle "oh my god the giggle wins everything" lauren said, "in all seriousness are you okay mia" demi asked i looked at her and smiled "im fine im safe" i said looking at her "and you will be safe forever" i heard lori say looking at me "we'll have a meeting tomorrow i will tell all the security team whats happened" lori said looking at demi, i needed the bathroom so ran upstairs once i was finished i was about to go back downstairs but heard my phone get a message
Mom: thank god we got rid of you we hope we never hear from you again good luck explaining how you got the bruises because it wasn't is WAS IT!!! Also good luck explaining to demi why you can't go to normal school 🙄🙄🙄
I didn't even realise how badly i was crying until i seen demi come up the stairs looking worried, she took my phone from me and put it in her pocket and wrapped her arms round me walking me slowly into her room and closing the door " shhhh its okay baby girl laurens coming up now lori and ally are going" demi said keeping hold of me,just then i heard the front door close and lauren running up the stairs, " whats happened" lauren asked as she ran towards us " im going to give lauren your phone sweetie okay then i think we can have a nice chilled out day although i have to go and get the dogs at some point today",demi said looking at lauren, as demi handed my phone to lauren another message came through,
Mom: what the hell you actual brat you told them 😠😠😠 you better watch ur back when ur out we will be out for revenge
I looked up at mia and demi, mia was sobbing and demi looked ready to kill someone, " listen babe your ours now and we have one of the top security guards watching over this house remember yesterday having to tell the guard" i asked as mia nodded "these people are not on a list to come here like they where yesterday" i was watching mia nod but also watching the panic and fear roll quickly into her eyes, after a while it was time for demi to get the puppies back from day care, i watched as mia was getting upset that demi was leaving " sweetie i won't be long okay can you stay with lauren and when i come back we can figure out something for lunch okay" demi said gently handing me mia's hand and walking quickly out the door, "come on sweetie lets have a talk okay" i said leading mia to the den again " babe we need to know what happened when you lived at home okay, you don't have to do it now okay we can all be together,but we need you to be honest and trust us that we have your back as your new parents and we will do whatever we can to keep you safe" i said as mia leaned into me, i heard the front door open and seen all four dogs come running into the room and straight to mia,batman jumped on the couch along with gracie wanting attention from me and mia while ella and cleo where sniffing the floor "this is your new sister guys" i said watching mia totally relax around all the dogs,just then demi walked into the room " ally called me while i was out and mia she would like for me and lauren and you to buy you a new phone and for one of us to keep a record of every time your old parents try and contact you,and if we think their harassing you we will do something about it" demi said as mia nodded "they are probably still messaging me my phone was on silent" mia said looking at me,i quickly took her phone out my pocket and was shocked
50 texts
20 calls
100 emails
59 whatsapps
"Demi call ally back tell her to build the case against them for harassment" i said staring at demi.

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