Scared kids and meeting everyone and secrets

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As i woke up i seen mia walk into the room looking scared,i held my arms open and she dove in to them " its okay bubba ill be with you all day, luna's as scared as you are Camilla said, i only have to sing three songs and you can be right next to me the whole time i promise" i said watching as Mia calmed down,as we went downstairs i seen lauren getting ready for work, "coffee's hot" she said smiling, i watched her look over to mia "baby i put my number in ur phone okay if you need anything text me okay" lauren said hugging and kissing mia's cheek "ill come by later and see everyone" lauren said as she walked out the house, i looked at the time and seen we needed to leave "right sweetness lets get today over with, i will not leave you today and you can stay close to me the whole day" i said holding my hand for mia who instantly took it, we drove quickly to the rehearsal space and walked into the room, mia still had tight hold of my hand,i seen my team all looking but felt mia shaking "baby can you take some big breathes for me i don't want you to have a panic attack" i said as mia slowly started trying to calm down,just then the door opened and camila ariana and luna walked in, ariana seen me and walked over "luna is scared as well your not alone" ariana said smiling at mia,luna was clinging onto camila "lets go and make sure luna is okay" i said gently pulling mia towards camila who had her arms wrapped around luna, "this was our fault we went the wrong way and by total accident drove past her old orphanage" camila said making sure to keep hold of luna, "Mia sweetheart i have goodie's in my bag for the both of you" camila said smiling at mia, "and if everything gets way too much iv said i would take luna home early, "thats fine i may do the same with mia she's not been well the last few weeks, she's just getting a cold as well i think" looking down at mia who was looking at the floor, i didn't want to tell demi but i felt horrible,id hardly ate all morning and really didn't want to leave her side but i knew id have to soon,i still had hold of demi's hand as she walked with ariana to the pretend stage, camila was behind me as we all walked to meet everyone, i felt demi wrap her arms round me as the band started camila was doing the same to luna as the band started we both jumped hard, i heard ariana speak through the microphone "sorry baby girls are you okay" she asked as we both nodded i heard her start singing,i looked over at luna who was singing every word soon enough ariana's three songs finished and it was demi's turn to sing i clung onto demi's hand tightly as she took the microphone from ariana, "that was amazing" demi said smiling,then turned to face me "baby you can stay with me but its ten times louder up on the stage then down here" demi said looking at me, "why don't you stay with ariana and she can cover your ears so you don't jump, as soon as iv sang these songs and done some other things mama will be here okay" demi said and i nodded, luna ran to ariana so camila came to me and wrapped her arms round me and held her hands gently but firmly over my ears, we still both jumped as the band started, as demi was half way through her second song i felt camila move and someone else hold my head and ears i turned round and smiled when i seen it was lauren, iv still not told anyone i feel horrible i don't want demi to cancel the tour, " mia are you okay" lauren asked looking worried i nodded and kept quiet,mia was almost silent the whole way home as we all walked into the house i seen mia about to run upstairs "where you going babe" i asked watching mia look worried "i i was going to put m mmy pyjama's on" as mia spoke i realised her voice sounded a bit croaky, "thats fine sweetie im going to make you and demi some dinner okay" i said as mia nodded and walked off upstairs, i walked into the kitchen and seen demi stood looking at me, "i think we where right about mia getting a cold her voice is all croaky" i said looking at demi " i got cold a flu stuff for her before i came and got you both before" i said smiling watching as demi walked over to me and hugged me "your the best babe" she said as we pulled away we both heard coughing coming from upstairs and it sounded terrible, we both took off running upstairs and into mia's room, i seen mia sat on her bed coughing like crazy we both helped her finish getting changed and demi carried her into our room i ran downstairs to get the medicine, as i came back upstairs i seen demi lying with mia in bed "baby you look ill are you okay" i asked as mia just nodded i looked at demi "babe she literally has no voice and iv messaged the dancers saying im not going to that run through tomorrow" demi said mia looked like she was about to burst out crying, "babe im off tomorrow i can keep mia home the guys will need you to know whats going on even if you do a few songs then come home" i said watching demi look at me "okay fine i won't do all day though only until lunch" demi said smiling, after a while i decided to run to the store i knew if mia had no voice id need things for the next day, i picked up a few cans of soup for mia and some super soft bread i decided to get a huge drawing pad and loads of colouring pencils and pens, as i drove home i was driving passed a frozen yogurt place and quickly rang demi
D: hey babe whats up
L: hey is mia awake
D: just about i was about to try and make her some food
L: should i get her some frozen yogurt or a smoothie instead
D: yeah okay babe that will be easy for her to drink let me ask her what flavour she wants
I could hear demi asking mia what type she wanted
D: a berry one please babe
L: okay ill be really quick
I quickly ordered and payed for mia's juice i ran to subway and got me n demi some food and drove home, as i opened the door i heard demi talking to mia, " luna had a cold last week so she's probably caught the same thing" demi said looking at me as i looked at mia i seen how tired she was it was only early as well "here sweetie i got you a strawberry yogurt smoothie" i said watching mia hold the cup weakly, later on that night mia was fast asleep on the couch as me and demi watched tv "so is mia in our room still" i asked smiling at demi "when did i turn so protective of her" demi said looking at me i giggled and kissed her head as she leaned her head on my shoulder .

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