Meeting the new tutor 🤝✍🏻 and a story 👩‍👩‍👧

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We have been trying to find the perfect tutor for mia while where on tour, we have one that we really like the sound of where going to meet them today,i seen mia walk into the living room and straight into the kitchen, " mia im here babe"i said smiling as mia ran up to me, me and lauren have noticed mia craves affection, "you okay sweetness" i asked watching mia nod but cuddle into me "where meeting your new tutor today babe" i said feeling mia go stiff in my arms i gently kissed her cheek "we'll be okay babe me and lauren will be with you" i said feeing mia nod, lauren walked into the room "Camila said she would be here at 12,mia camila wants to do a little test just to see where your up to" lauren said smiling i instantly felt mia start to shake, "its okay sweetie nothings going to happen okay i promise" i said watching as lauren looked worried, soon enough it was nearly 12 mia was clinging onto me like her life depended on it as the doorbell rang, lauren ran to answer the door i could hear her explaining what was wrong to camila as they both walked into the room, camila walked up to mia and gently rested her hand on mia's hand " we don't have to do the test today in fact i could get all the information i need from your school" camila said smiling at mia
Lauren looked at me and i nodded " actually funny story their my mom was her teacher at her old school i could get her to pass all the files over if that helps" lauren said "wow that would be perfect" camila said smiling, we discussed what a typical day on tour would be like and when camila would have days off,i could feel mia relaxing around camila "so mia do you think we can be friends ill even bring snacks for us" camila said smiling as mia nodded, "when would tour start and when would you like mia to do school work" camila asked "we where thinking mia could do her school work while i do sound check and meet and greet that usually takes around two hours and is usually after lunch so you don't have to worry about early starts" i said " and tour starts in two weeks time we will email you the dates" lauren said smiling, camila looked at mia "how about the first week of tour we just get to know each other we'll go super easy" camila said smiling "okay" mia said quietly but smiling, camila smiled back "you have such a pretty smile" camila said smiling as mia cuddles into me smiling "so what do you say pretty girl do you think camila will be a good friend and tutor for you" i asked watching as mia looked up at me and nodded.
As i was walking camila back out i told her what my mom had already told me "so i will get mia's file for you but from what i already know from my mom mia has anxiety and dyslexia and she's told us she has some allergies and is allergic to things as well we can get everything in place for tour"i said smiling at camila " wow okay thank you and see you all on tour" camila said as she was about to leave i seen demi rush back out into the hall, "mia's just admitted to me that she has always failed every subject in school and is scared we won't be happy if she carry's on failing" demi said looking sad,we all including camila walked back into the living room and seen mia looking terrified, i seen camila looking through her bag and pulling out her phone and a picture of a young girl and another woman and herself "this girl here is my adopted daughter,she's called luna and this woman here is my wife she's called ariana,when we adopted luna she was seven never been to school never taught how to read or write just left to play around the orphanage,ariana went their to see the kids their one day and to sing for them, i had the day off and went with her earlier then everyone from her team,i found luna locked in her room with bruises all over her" i could see camila starting to get upset me and demi moved closer to her, i looked over at mia and seen she was fully listening to camila's every word "once id found luna i knew ari would go insane if she found out someone was hurting a child so i waited with luna upstairs in her room just holding her until ari had finished singing, when ariana found out about the home she signed the papers then and their no one checked anything they just wanted rid of luna, today luna is twelve iv been teaching her from the day she left and she can read and write at a 5th grade level" camila said smiling "we'll all help you mia we promise" i said as mia smiled "wait a second ariana's my support act on tour isn't she" demi asked as camila nodded "luna will be with ariana while i teach mia" camila said looking at us both " im not about to keep you away from your child camila if it makes your day easier you can teach them both at the same time" demi said smiling giggling as camila looked shocked "wow thank you" she said smiling as her phone rang on FaceTime" please answer it" demi said smiling, " oh wow hey everyone" ariana said smiling,we all seen luna sat next to "hey guys luna guess what" camila said smiling "what mama" luna said shyly looking at camila " you'll have a friend on tour mia will be studying with us" camila said smiling as ariana gasped and luna squealed.
As we where all getting ready for bed i seen demi lying on her bed,as she seen me she smiled and patted the bed "come and keep me company lauren's in the shower and then has to do some work" she said as i lay down next to her, "if you fall asleep here then its fine okay"demi said  just then lauren walked in holding cuddles "he looked lonely in your room" lauren said smiling i could feel demi playing with my hair i could feel my eyes getting heavy "go asleep babe" demi whispered as i quickly fell fast asleep.

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