Tears, feavers and mommies 🙊🙊🙊

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As i woke up i heard lauren and demi talking,i heard someone walk passed my room "mia you awake baby" i heard demi ask i turned round and faced demi and smiled i seen demi smiling and come close she sat on the bed and wrapped her arms round me " todays a big day baby and we need to know your okay throughout the day okay" demi asked as i nodded, "we promise to keep you as safe as possible okay" demi said smiling i smiled back as lauren walked into the room "ally said we should maybe tell everyone before we go out shopping,mia you don't have to say anything if you don't want to but we need you close to us when we announce it their will be comments that pop up on the screen and if you see anything you don't like or that upsets you i want you to tell us" lauren said i nodded "ill say if i see anything" i said feeling scared, demi took hold of my hand as i looked up at her "how about if you keep hold of my hand and if you see anything squeeze it and ill see what it is okay" demi said as i nodded, i kept hold of demi's hand as lauren set up a laptop in the den and demi tweeted everyone that she was going to do a live video, lauren sat next to me so i was in the middle i noticed she had hold of cuddles and handed him to me "he looked lonely on the bed by himself" she said smiling, i looked up as the laptop came on and i seen some comments on the screen already,demi wrapped her arm round me with one hand and held my other hand lauren sat close to me and wrapped her arm round demi and me "well hello everyone not done one of these in a while have we" lauren said looking at the screen,demi squeezed my hand and i looked up at her "well seems as everyone is asking this is mia she won a competition to spend a year with me but things have changed" demi said looking at the screen, lauren lifted my chin up gently i was clinging onto cuddles so badly lauren pulled me close to her and held me trying to calm me down, "guys theirs no easy way to say this but mia is now my child and laurens as well I'm not about to tell you her story but know that it was not great,where working on building her confidence and making her feel safe" demi said as she stroked my back gently "dem im seeing comments" lauren said sounding angry.
I looked over at lauren and she scrolled the chat back so i could see the comments " right these comments are being blocked and so are the people, you all dam well know im against bullying so what makes you guys think im going to let comments about my daughter slide i thought we could have a nice talk but this conversation is over goodbye" i said switching off the laptop and chat mia was clinging onto me so tight sobbing so loud it was heartbreaking to hear i lay down with mia and wrapped my arms round her i seen lauren pick my phone up and start recording a video, " shh sweetheart its okay its all done now your okay where here" i said looking at the phone just then i got a idea i started quietly singing skyscraper

As i finished the song i knew mia was asleep on me , i looked at the phone and gently kissed mia's cheek as lauren finished the video and uploaded it, i managed to let mia sleep on the couch because i thought i was making her warm,i was upstairs doing some work when lauren called me downstairs as i walked into the living room i seen mia looking white but shaking " whats happened" i asked feeling mia's head "dem i think she has a fever iv checked her temperature and its 103.8 should i ring our doctor" lauren asked sounding worried "do we have tylonol" i asked as lauren nodded, i looked at mia and seen tears sliding down her cheeks "its okay baby you'll be fine okay" i said as mia leaned on me she was still really warm as lauren give her some medicine "if you still feel warm after having this sweetie we will do something else okay" i said as mia nodded "im cold" mia said looking at me and shaking i sat holding her "okay baby girl we need to get you upstairs and into ether a cool bath or shower to get your temperature down okay, we'll be their the whole time i think proper shopping will have to wait until your better" i said as mia gripped cuddles, "come on sweetness lets get you all sorted i think you'll be sleeping in our room until your better so if i run up and fix a cool bath for you can lauren carry you upstairs and help you get changed" i watched mia look worried about something but nod, i gently kissed her cheek as she smiled.
Demi called from upstairs saying everything was ready, i walked over to mia and gently lifted her up and carried her upstairs i could feel her shaking "its okay baby we'll be right here with you okay" i said watching mia nod but still look worried,as i carried her into the bathroom i seen demi running back she had made our other guest room bed  into our bedroom

"Okay lets get the nasy cold bath out the way then we can all relax and maybe if you feel better later we can shop online" demi said smiling at mia, as we started getting mia ready for the bath i could see her shaking  demi helped her with her top...

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"Okay lets get the nasy cold bath out the way then we can all relax and maybe if you feel better later we can shop online" demi said smiling at mia, as we started getting mia ready for the bath i could see her shaking  demi helped her with her top and i watched her eyes go wide i was holding mia up so couldn't see what it was, mia was shaking and getting more upset and then i seen her gag, quickly picked her up and moved towards the toilet "okay baby girl its okay i know you don't feel great baby lets get this over with and then you can have a rest we will stay with you the whole time okay" demi said calming down mia, once mia was in the bath it was more then clear the bruises we seen when she first came where just the beginning,the poor girl was covered in scars and bruises, demi was helping mia into some pyjamas we helped her into bed and set everything up upstairs, demi was trying to get mia to relax and take a nap but the poor girl was scared, " lauren can you hold mia while i run downstairs" demi asked
As lauren came close to the bed mia broke down "don't leave please ill be good" she sobbed i looked at lauren "mia baby ill be two seconds im just getting us all a drink and a few snacks okay laurens with you okay" i said watching as mia clung onto lauren, as i came back upstairs i seen mia asleep next to lauren "you hadn't even made it downstairs and she was asleep" lauren said, as we where all lying their we must of all fell asleep i felt lauren shaking me awake "babe she's shaking" i sat up and felt mia's head as she started crying in her sleep "i want my mommy's" mia sobbed i gently kissed her cheek "mia where here baby wake up for me" i said gently stroking her hair, her eyes snapped open she looked terrified "its okay baby where here okay mommy's are here" i said as she calmed down i watched as she tried to fall asleep again and gently pulled her closer to me, "where mommy's" lauren said looking at me, i looked at her smiling and pulled her into a kiss "where mommy's i said as we both smiled at each other.

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