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A/N: I've literally never watched moana, but that's what the characters have just watched...😂. And this is kinda a filler.

"C'mon Cas, lets go." I said as the credits rolled on the big screen in front of us. I looked down at my lap at a sleeping Colson and I couldn't help but shake my head. Since we were in a VIP cinema you could choose to put the arms of the chairs down, of course he had taken the opportunity to put them down so he could lay along them, although at one point I could've sworn he was doing it to touch me. At one point he had started nibbling at my thigh and sliding his hand up my shorts, it was intense to say the least, as my conscience wouldn't allow him to do that whilst his daughter was sat next me, so I pinched and poked and at one point actually had to slap him, when he stopped I instantly found myself missing his touch.

I shook my knee slightly to wake him up and he opened his eyes with a small smile on his face, he took a couple of seconds to sit up, he looked at the lights that had started coming back on and chuckled to himself.
He followed us out as Cassie held my hand, and started talking about what she wanted to eat once we got home. I'd clearly forgotten that Kells was famous for a second as I gasped at the paparazzi surrounding us, as we walked to the car. Me and Cas got in followed by Kells. I breathed out slightly overwhelmed by crowds.
"You ok?"
"Yeah" I answered quietly.
"Dad, the film was so good, I can't believe you fell asleep." The young girl said with a chuckle. I couldn't help but look at Colson and admire the sparkle in his eyes, as he smiled and looked at his daughter through the rear view mirror.
"It's a good thing my little princess had another princess around to keep her company." He said as he looked at me and caressed my cheek slightly, I couldn't help but feel warm on the inside, I kind of felt...wanted...

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