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It was the next morning and I couldn't help but groan as I got out of bed and practically limped into the bathroom, I took a hot shower to try and soothe my aching muscles and my ass. When I came out of the shower Kells was awake and my eyes widened when he held his finger to his lips. He ushered me over and leaned close to me.

"There's someone in the house, and I don't even have security here today." He walked into the closet, and came out with a gun in his hand, then tiptoed out of the room. I quickly picked up some type of weapon, threw on one of Kells' oversized hoodies and followed him forgetting about how sore I felt. He looked back at me as we both seemed to hear the same creaking coming from the other room.

We gave eachother a couple of 'I dont know' gestures as we came closer to the door. Kells gestured that we would count to three then burst in.

We counted and then both busted into the room, hearing a couple of screams. Kells and I had the same reaction as we turned our backs to the two naked individuals on the bed.

"What the fuck? I fucking knew something was up with you two." I spoke with my back still turned.

"Dude you fucking scared the shit out us, we thought everyone left."

"You realise our best friends didn't even realise we were missing. Like excuse me!" Alecia sassed, causing me to chuckle as I imagined the expression on her face.

"Yeah so...this is kind of a thing bro, we might of fucked in the toilets at the hospital."

"Nooo, what?!" the pair of us said in unison.

"Yeah that's why I never visited, I came that one time and I got distracted before I got to see you." Alecia continued.

"You guys can turn around now ." Rook said

"I'm not sure if I can look you in the eye." I answered earning a chuckle from Colson.

We both turned around and saw a now fully dressed Alecia and Rook snuggling up to eachother. I looked at Alecia and felt like there was a sparkle in her brown eyes as she giggled, I felt like her brownskin was glowing, as she giggled into Rook's chest.

"Thank god this wasn't even loaded huh?" Kells mumbled to himself.

I continued to scan my eyes over Alecia .
"Are you pregnant or something?" I asked as I cocked my head to the side, everyone around me seemed to think I was hilarious as they all laughed at what I had said.

"the fuck?" Alecia answered.

"did you just call her fat?" Kells chuckled.

"no I'm saying I think she's pregnant cos you're  glowing, like...a pregnancy type of glow."

"Aaliyah, you're too much of a good girl, you do realise having protected sex can't get someone pregnant?" she said with a chuckle.

"Alecia you do realise I'm not a good girl, and I just have a gut feeling."

"oh really?" Kells answered sarcastically.

" Ok assholes let's bet. 200 that by three months from now she will realise she's pregnant, so if I win I get shmonnneeyyy!" I said as i noticed everyone rolling their eyes at me.

"well I bet five thousand." Kells looked at me with a smirk on his face as I shrugged in response.

"one thousand." Rook spoke up.

"Yeahh we ain't all MGK and Rook ... Just two hundred." Alecia chuckled

We all began to shake hands to solidify the deal.

I walked out of the room swaying my hips with confidence.
"Have a little faith in me, you're going to lose your money...all of you!"

It wasn't long before Colson came back into the bedroom.
"You might as well pay up now." Colson mumbled sarcastically.
"Oh shut u-"
"What did you just say to me?"  He said before I could finish my sentence.
"Ok relax." I huffed rolling my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me!"
"Don't try be all dominant, please just shut up, just a little. Where were we? Oh yeah you were laying in bed and I was about to go to sleep as soon as I got out of the shower."
I went to walk away, but he pulled me back causing me to bump into his chest. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes at him.
"Oh Babygirl you're asking for a round two."
"Well I don't consent." I smirked at him and went to walk away from him only for him to repeat the same process. This time he put his hand around my throat, and I found myself biting my lip as he gave a coy smirk at my reaction. It wasn't long before he let go and leaned down to scoop underneath my thighs so he could lift me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me passionately. We continued make out only breaking apart when Kells dropped me onto the bed and used his arms to prop himself above me. We continued to make out for a couple of minutes.
"Guys- oh come on!" I heard Rook and instantly pulled away to see him stood at the doorway. We both chuckled as we looked in his direction, waiting for him to talk.
"So shall we go and get some breakfast? Dude I'm hungry, and we can be all cute and shit and double date...I guess." He rolled his eyes as he looked towards what I assumed was an out of sight Alecia.
"Sure! Give me twenty minutes." Kells answered.
"Ok bro." Rook said as he walked away from the doorway.

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