Trivia:Love Chapter 2

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AN: Hello! Thank you to those who are still reading my first fanfic. I hope you liked the previous chapter and hopefully this one too. Now on to the next! :)

***Chapter 2***

Recap of Last Chapter:

He placed one hand at the back of my head and slowly began to close his eyelids while leaning in ever closer to me. I began to struggle against his grips, but it was to no avail since he was much too strong for me. He opened his eyes, looked at me intensely and whispered:

"I promise...I won't hurt you"

Those words broke my walls and any of the insecurities I had about him. So I finally gave in and let him take control.

(End of Recap)

He gently cupped my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb, all the while I was taking in deep breaths to try and calm my nerves at the expectation of what was to come next.

His index finger tilted my face up while he leaned his much taller frame adjusting to our height differences. I fluttered my eyes closed and then felt the warmth of his plump limps pressing against mine. Heat was beginning to course throughout my body and I was unsure of how to adapt to this situation. It had been many years since I last had any form of contact with the opposite sex and to say that this was exhilarating is subtle at best.

Trying to be daring I wrapped my fingers into his silky mane and deepened the intimate kiss even more. He allowed me to control the pacing temporarily until he felt the urge to demonstrate his dominant side.

He bit my lower lip asking for permission before snaking in his tongue within my cavern. He explored every inch of it cautiously as if trying to memorize each crook and cranny. I decided to do my own exploring and began to run my tongue along his, earning a low groan. This caused a surge of excitement within me. I wanted to continue having this feeling, but we needed to breathe eventually and thus separated.

Our foreheads joined together and we looked into each others eyes...searching for something unbeknownst to either of us. Slowly we let our heart beats lower from their recent high.

"You are most definitely my soulmate...this proves it." he said.

He grabbed my right wrist and showed me a small mark with what looked like three letters.

"K.N.J. ? What do these letters stand for?"

"These letters represent me. They represent that you and I belong to one another. I'm..."

Upon hearing these words I began to realize, and to process the events that just took place...I found myself in an unfamiliar world with a man who claims that we are soulmates and my doubts began to surface. They began to take over the slight sense of happiness that I just had and engulfed me in darkness. I created some separation between us and questioned him.

"Wait a sec. So to get this straight, we're bound to each other? "

He nodded and started:

"Listen, I know that this is sudden, but..."

(Lena Internally speaking: I don't know what to think about this.)

"No! I can't! This is just too much. I was being too impulsive and not thinking straight! I'm sorry."

I turned my back on him and stared at the wooden floor, tears threatening to fall. Internally I was feeling so stupid, falling for the first man that appeared in front of me.

"Lena, please just let me explain..."

"Stop! Listen, I just had a thorough make out session with a man and I don't even know his name! To top things off I'm also in an alternate "dream/spirit" world or whatever the FUCK you want to call it and how do you expect me to feel?!"

Trivia: LoveWhere stories live. Discover now