Handsome robot

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After that kiss, you pulled away, and giggled as you saw a lipstick smooch on his muzzle. Metal Sonic at first didn't make any sounds. Instead, he looked down, and made what appeared to be cute, quiet, and happy beeps. You smiled and held him. "Metal Sonic," you began. "I don't know who made you, but you are the sweetest guy I've ever met. Even if you're a robot."  You then looked at his muzzle and wiped the stain off. Then you looked at the dress you were wearing. "I think I know what to do with you," you smiled. You grabbed a suit out of your closet, and put it on him. Metal Sonic looked at his new handsome self and made some more beeps. "Maybe we can go out to lunch," you said. But then you remembered he didn't have a mouth. "Or maybe we can go out dancing," you then said. Metal Sonic looked curiously at you, and you giggled again. You then held his hand, and you walked him out. Metal Sonic looked at your hand, and he slowly held yours. You looked at him and smiled. "You look so handsome," you said. Metal Sonic looked back and shyly looked down, making cute beeps again. You loved how he was beeping like that. You could tell how he was feeling. You then walked to where there was a party going on, and you brought him over to the dance floor. By the time you were there, a love song was playing. You walked with Metal Sonic to the dance floor, and put your hands on his shoulders. But the problem was, Metal Sonic didn't really know how to lead. And so when he put his hands on your shoulders, you laughed. "Oh Metal Sonic," you sighed happily. You then put his hands around your waist. "Like this." And so you started to lead him. Metal Sonic watched, feeling a bit nervous even though you were slowly. But you lifted his chin up, and looked in his eyes. "Just relax. You're cute and handsome already. And that's why I like you." Inside Metal Sonic, he was feeling soft and warm and fuzzy inside his cold, hard, mechanical body. And so he wrapped his arms around your waist and started to lead you as he looked your eyes. You smiled sweetly, laid your head on his shoulder. You felt so happy with him, you just wanted to stay with him. You then watched as Metal Sonic raised his hand, and placed it on your cheek. You then looked up at him, and he made some soft beeps. You looked in his eyes and said softly, "I like you too...." You then both leaned in and your lips touched his muzzle again softly. You figured he would feel cold, but you felt Metal Sonic getting warm. After a minute of the kiss, you broke it, and you looked into his eyes. Just then, Metal Sonic's eyes glowed bright red, and you first looked at him curiously. But then, you freaked out as he carried you, and you felt a whirring sound coming from him like a jet engine. And then, he zoomed off!

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