Hero robot

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The days have passed, and you and Metal Sonic still stayed together. But one day, you told Metal Sonic that you were going for a walk. Metal Sonic nodded, and you kissed his cheek before you walked off. When you left, you looked up at the bright blue sky and yellow sun. You then looked back down, and continued to walk. You were thinking about the moment where you first met Metal Sonic, and said to yourself, "I don't know where Metal Sonic came from...but I hope he doesn't think I'm keeping him here forever. I mean he must belong to someone. Somebody must be looking for him." You walked and walked until you stopped in front of a cliff. "Does Metal Sonic feel the same as I do?" You asked yourself. "I mean I know he doesn't talk...but what if he doesn't love me like I do? And how would I know if he does?" Suddenly, as you were talking, a strong wind blew from behind you, causing you to stumble forward, and before you knew it, you fell off the edge of the cliff! You screamed as you were falling. "METAL SONIC!!!" You screamed. You covered your face and started to cry as you were getting close to the ground. But suddenly...something happened. You weren't really falling anymore. You slowly uncovered your face, and you gasped as you saw Metal Sonic's face. He caught you! You immediately wrapped your arms around him tightly, and cried on his shoulder. You then felt Metal Sonic flying upward, and before you knew it, you were above the clouds. You slowly looked up at him. He stared blankly in front of him. "M-Metal Sonic...," you whimpered. But then, you heard something that sounded like something was turning off. You looked and saw Metal Sonic's eyes disappear, and you were falling with him! He was shut down! You screamed and tried to wake him up. But you were falling to the ground too fast! Suddenly, before you hit the ground, you screamed as Metal Sonic started to thrust forward, and flew you all the way back home. He then slowed down, and you immediately got off him. When you did, you were bashing your fists against the robot! "ARE YOU INSANE?!" You yelled. "YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH! DIDN'T YOU THINK OF WHAT WOULD'VE HAPPENED IF I DIED?!" Metal Sonic just looked at you as you were pounding him. You then stopped, and stared at him while panting. You then saw his head was being tilted down slowly. You then began to choke up again, and wrapped your arms around him tightly. "I'm sorry...!" You cried. "If it wasn't for you...I would've been gone...." Metal Sonic then wrapped his arms around you slowly. "I...I love you Metal Sonic...," you finally said. "I love you...."

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