Cute robot

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The next day, you woke up and stretched, still feeling a bit tired. You were almost about to sit on the couch, but you completely forgot about the metal hedgehog you carried home. Well...dragged home. But anyway, you turned and removed the blanket off the couch, but it wasn't there. Maybe it left? Or did someone take it? Suddenly heard some weird computing sounds, and you turned around. There it was. You jumped a bit as it scared you with its glowing red eyes. You then slowly walked up to it. You then jumped again and yelped as you saw it walk toward you. "Uh...hello...," you said, nervously. You then slowly took your hand out, hoping he would shake it. But instead, he just looked down at it. He then slowly looked at his hand, and did the same thing you were doing. You then slowly took his hand and shook it, and he did it too, feeling a bit curious. "Um, my name's __________," you then said. "What's yours?" He let go of your hand, and made more beeping sounds as he looked up at you. You couldn't really understand him, so you went to grab a piece of paper and pencil. The robot watched you as you grabbed both. You then looked at him. "You can write, right?" You asked while giving him the pencil and paper. He just looked down at them before he finally went to the table after a moment of silence. He then started to make some squiggles on the paper. You giggled a bit, and helped him. "Like this," You said as your wrote some words. They said:

"What's your name?".

The robot read the words, and a few seconds later, he picked up the pencil and wrote words as well. They said:

"Metal Sonic".

You then looked at him. "Metal Sonic?" You asked. "That's your name?" The robot looked at you, and he nodded yes. You smiled and gave him a hug. "That's a nice name," you said. Metal Sonic felt confused about this since he was never hugged before. You slowly looked at him and giggled again. "You're pretty cute," you smiled. Metal Sonic tried to compute every word you were speaking, and so when he heard the word cute, you heard him make some quiet beeping sounds, and he looked away.

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