;Black and white;

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The thud I landed with was similar to landing on a stiff mattress.

But when I open my eyes I look to the ground I'm lying on and it's not what I expected.

Black and white checked tiles.

I slowly stood up and was surprised by my body not hurting or aching in anyway.

I obverse my surroundings to see that I'm in some type of front entrance to a house.

The lights in this house are dim and only show the floor and two metres side to side around you.

After looking around ,I feel a little off about the house and quite light headed.

So I decided to stay in the place I woke in from falling.

I lay back down and unexpectedly feel like I'm falling again.

I look under me to see the same sky I was staring at when I was falling from the bathroom balcony.

I couldn't move, my body felt paralysed.

A single tear rolled down my cheek and my mouth wide open gasping for air until I my vision turned black.


My vision is black, I squint my right eye to see where I am and what place I landed in again.

I look to the surface I'm lying on but I expected to see something different like fresh lime grass from the front lawn from that mad house I escaped from but what I got was the same black and white checkered tiles I woke to from before.

I blink twice to see if I'm seeing right, but as expected its still there.

I try to get up but I'm shot with agonising pain in my left side of my body.

I slump back down to the ground and lie back down on the cold tiles.

As soon my head hit the ground I was out like a light.


I groan myself awake.

"huh?" I breathe out looking around.

The place I slept in was different.

I turn my head to behind me to see that I'm in a sitting up position and I'm leaning on the ending of a bannister of a stair case.

I try to get up again and surprisingly Im not in agony I stretch my legs and whole body.

I look around and catch on what is happening.

I turn back to the stair case Im standing behind and start to walk up and I'm met with bedrooms on the first floor.

As I look in which room to go into to see what is behind the door I see a room in the corner of my eye which is half open.

I walk towards the room and my heart is pumping in my ears.

I walk in and the first thing I notice is that there is a set of clothes laid out on a four post bed.

I smell my underarms and scrunch my nose to the scent.

I suppose the people put me in this room or this place expect me to change or something. I think to myself.

So I do it, I get changed and turn myself to the full body length mirror to see I'm body looks quite nice in the red dungarees and little pink crop jacket.

I turn back to the bed and see something I didn't before.

A little yellow note where the new clothes were laid down.

We have been expecting you.

The note read.

I looked up and I saw black.

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