;Who Are You;

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In the hours of walking on the dusty path, my mind went completely blank only concentrating where the path might lead to.

Many more minutes of not thinking, a thought traveled deep in the hollow cracks of my mind, Where's my Family?

Subsequently of that thought going I started to remember all the memories I had with them, like going on voyages to the riverbank and we will swim and enjoy each other or just play silly games on the veranda in the blazing heat.

Theses thoughts drifted in and out of my head, leaving quickly just like how they came.

During this time the train of thought choo choo chooing through my head, distracted me from a little purple-greenish shimmering humming bird circling around my head.

It poked my plump left cheek with its long thin beak and when that didn't work it flew in front of me trying to get my attention but instead it got me walking right pass not even blinking, not even a glance.

I just couldn't accept that all this time I forgot about my family and my life before all of this happened.


My head rested down staring at the concrete coloured ground with more interest than the blossoming scenery in the head of me but behind me was the soles of my feet scraping across the dirt and also that little humming bird lounged on my right shoulder and it's rounded head leaning on the nape of my neck.

I watched the ground perform darker shades the sky reflected.

A dim image unsettled in the corner of my left eye as I kept on my slow walking pace.

Since my interest got the best of me my feet came to a halt,my head slowly rised seeing something I was not expecting.

A wine red, wooden barn stood in the middle of this large forest with a person sitting on a small pedal stool like he was waiting for someone.

"Ohh, you're here!" The boy only about two or three years older than me said with a bright toothy smile.

He wore a rusty red denim jacket and underneath a plain black t-shirt and a velvet cherry red durag on his head which had majority of his small braids hanging down on his face, also his outfit withal had black jeans he wore which was paired with also black converses.

"Um... yeah?" I said in a small voice facing him folding my hands in front of me.

"Ok, well my name is Aiko and I can probably guess that your name Sash, isn't?" The boy said with still a pearly white smile.

I noded then wondered what to say next quickly.

" So do you know, like know what's happening to me?" I asked.

Aiko's smile slowly crept away and was replaced with a straight profile meaning he was serious and not playing around.

He looked around his surroundings then leaned in and whispered.

" well I do so don't tell anyone I told you, an-"

"Why? What will happe-" I interrupted.

" well if you tell anyone." Aiko said with a annoyed look then he lifted his long index finger which he pulled straight across his neck, meaning 'your dead'.

I noded showing I understood.

Aiko sat back up on his wooden pedal stool then his crescent eye smile came back.

" So is that your pet on your shoulder?" Aiko asked putting his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Ohh umm...yeah" I said looking at my shoulder seeing the little humming bird looking back at me with a little grin I noticed but didn't say anything about it.

"So does he or she have a name?" Aiko asked again.

"Yeah heee-shhee does, it's kkkkaa- kapi, yeah kapi" I uttered out not knowing how to explain this bird just followed me and didn't go away.

" kapi? Well it's a cool name" Aiko said shrugging his shoulders up then making them fall down.

"I know" I said with a little gummy smile.

There was a moment of silence where I focused on the ground and kicked little pepples and rocks with my chalky colured shoe's.

While Aiko looked around but mostly at me or in my direction.

"So you are going to tell me what to do now or?" I said breaking the silence with a questionable look.

"Oh, yeah, so when you going inside here * pointing to the wooden barn* you will have limited time to find a dressing room with no name on the golden plaque on the top and when you are in the room just lock the door then you will find some clothes which are behind the dressing curtain and from there just do what you think is right" Aiko said leaning back on his stool.

"Ok, what do you mean by ' do what you think is right' ?" I replied.

"Just listen to what I said ' do what you think is right' " Aiko said then pulling a strawberry lollipop out of his pocket and poping it in his mouth.

I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Hey!" Aiko called then pointed to the entrance to the dark wooden barn.

I looked at my shoulder to see kapi looking at me, I noded my head then looked at Aiko who noded at me which I returned a small smile with a rosy pastel blush on my cheeks.

I started to walk to the entrance until I heard Aiko yell GOOD LUCK! I turned around and saw him slip the lollipop out between his lips and mouth 'see you soon' then gave a 'sir yes sir' motion with his hand then poof, their he was gone.

I looked at kapi then started walking once again to my new task to complete.

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