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I poke my head around the barn's half open door to see that the sky is a pretty faded violet colour with hints of a blushy pink and baby blue.

I turn my attention back to the ball room to the guests who are still fantasise by the performer on the mini front stage.

I decided it was the best to just walk out. But the strange thing is that I didn't feel like something I would do like the gut feeling I feel when I'm certain with my decision , but now it's not there.

I brush the feeling off and turn back to the door.

I feel eyes watching me but I don't see anyone looking at me or anything so I don't think what I can do about.

I'm wasting too much time, so I just walk out leaving the door half closed.

As soon as the tip of my left foot touched the reddish dried out grass the whole forest turned into something I wasn't expecting.

The grassy ground turned from a Orangey-reddish colour to a pitch black colour the sky reflected down.

The red and light pink bushes were faded to dustbins and damp black trash bags with water droplets dripping to the black smooth pavement ground.

The jungle like trees were replaced with towering buildings and skyscrapers with people looking out of the large windows which reminds me of little lego people stuck on a tall shelf in my old room.

The dusty concrete coloured path was changed into a road for speeding vehicles to drift down.

On both sides of the busy road rested corner shops with glistening lights to invite customers.

But since its midnight the lights look more appealing and comforting.

I'm amazed by my surroundings, I just stand looking around, the yellow cabs stopping for people with their hands sticking out.

I guess I'm in New York.

I decided that I'm standing in my place for to long and I should get going or find somewhere to rest for tonight.

I take a step and Immediately I feel a weird texture on the bottom of my bare soles of my feet.

It's moist, it properly rained.

I can handle it, so I continue to walk.

A few minutes past by and I noticed that no one has giving me weird looks considering that I'm wearing a expersive dress and dragging it on the dirty city floor.

As I'm walking, I turn my head to my left and quickly slow my pace down to see a shop in the corner of my eye.

It has yellow and red lights flashing on the outside.

It's a take away and restaurant mixed together I think from reading the sign resting of glass window of the shop.

I'm not sure if it's Chinese or korean food, but I go in anyway because I realised I haven't eaten for a while and because I'm quite hungry.

I sit at a random free table and wait for a waiter to come.

I look around and see only two people are sitting and both are eating noodles or something.

As I continue to look around I see a man grabbing his food in a white plastic bag off the front counter and rush out, nearly slipping and falling on me I lean back on my chair to avoid the instance happening.

After a few seconds I get bored of looking around, so I look down at my table to see a dark red menu which I know was not there before.

I look at it for a few seconds and I am ready to order.

I put my hand up and a waiter comes with a small note pad waiting for me to say my order.

"Black bean noddles please" I say with a small smile.

The waiter nods then walks to the kitchen.

A few minutes later the waiter comes back with the food and set's it on the table.

I feel my stomach gurgle.

"Anything else?" The waiter says looking at me.

" Um....A bottle or glass of water I would like, thank you" I say looking at the waiter.

The waiter nods and goes away then comes back with my glass of water and says.

"Enjoy your meal" then walks off to clean the tables.


I finished my food and I'm now wrapping mouth with a small napkin I then place in the empty bowl.

I put hand once again and the same waiter comes to me waiting for me speak.

" Could I have my bill please" I say looking around in the empty restaurant.

The waiter nods then goes and comes back and places the bill near my empty bowl.

I say a small thank you then look at small piece of paper near my hand.

시 계 가 똑 딱 똑 딱 흘 러

Is written on the bill, then I noticed that the white paper the bill was printed on has turned yellow.

"The clock is ticking" I read out, after looking at the symbols, I guess it's korean.

The waiter and cashier are giving sly grins to me.

I take my small glasses and place it on the nudge of my nose.

I get up and run out.

I'm lost on what to do.

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