I ~ Attack

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~~~Harry's POV~~~

Harry stared up into the frightening face of the gigantic basilisk. He watched with, shocked, as the basilisk slithered towards him. The snake had a deadly, menacing expression on its face.

Sssssslide over here, child.. ssssss.... It spoke in Parsel-tongue

Slowly Harry backed up, holding the sword of Godric Gryffindor tightly in his right hand. He could feel himself trembling with fear. With a jolt of alarm, Harry felt himself stumble and fall over onto his back. The breath was knocked out of him and he felt the sword clatter out of his hand. Harry felt despair make his heart skip a beat. He had no way to defend himself now.

Desperately, Harry flipped over onto his hands and knees, and reached out for the sword, which was lying a few feet away. He managed to grip the hilt of the ruby encrusted sword, but as he was about to turn back to face the basilisk, he felt a sharp, burning pain as the snake sunk it's sharp fangs into his shoulder. Harry cried out in pain, and topped onto the ground. He was overwhelmed with the pain, and his face tightened into a grimace.

It just hurt so much. Harry had never felt any pain like this before. He could feel blood flowing out from the wound, and the venom seeping into his flesh.

He felt the snake let go of him. Surprised, he turned around and saw the snake prepare itself to strike again. Harry gasped. Through the haze of pain, Harry could hear Riddle cackling a loud, maniac laugh that sent a shiver up his spine.

"You are done, Potter! Say goodbye to the world you knew and loved!" Riddle's voice was full of glee, but there was a hint of madness in there as well.

Harry gulped. He could feel the blood from his wound soaking his robes. Biting his lip to keep himself from crying out in pain, Harry staggered to his feet. He would not let himself be finished like this. If he was to die, then he would die fighting. He stared into the basilisk's face. He could swear that he saw its mouth widen in a chilling smile. As the snake lunged again for it's second attack, Harry thrust the sword and clenched his eyes shut.

There was a loud, squelching sound, and Harry felt something come upon contact with the blade, almost knocking him over. Something warm flowed down onto his arm, and Harry slowly opened his eyes. The sword tip had gone through the basilisk's skull. The snake now stared at him with a painful, helpless expression. Harry felt a sudden jab of uneasiness at seeing the snake so close. Quickly, he pulled and removed the sword from the snake. 

Harry cried out in pain. The sudden action had triggered another wave of pain from his wounded shoulder. As he grimaced with pain, the basilisk fell limply to the ground, never to move again. Harry stared at the dead body of the giant snake for a moment, before taking in a shuddering breath.

He had done it. He had defeated the basilisk, and now he would live. He felt a great rush of joy at this thought.

A sudden yell of anguish and pain woke Harry from his stupor. Alarmed, he turned to the source of the noise, to find Riddle clutching his heart in pain.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!!?!!" The man screamed in agony. The man seemed to break apart from the inside. Harry winced slightly as Riddle uttered one last scream, and disappeared. There was a small clattering noise, and Harry's stolen wand was left behind. 

Harry took in a deep breath, and bent down to pick up his wand with the same hand that was carrying the sword. The edges of his lips curled up in a slight smile.

Abruptly, he heard a groan coming from his right, and looked over to see Ginny, beginning to awaken.

"Ginny!" He shouted as he rushed over to her. He bit his lip again to stop another wail of pain, and tried to ignore it as he sprinted towards the girl. When Harry finally reached her, Ginny was already in a sitting position.

"W-what happened?" The girl asked as she rubbed her eyes. When Ginny looked up at Harry, her eyes widened in shock. "I-is that b-blood?!" She exclaimed as silent tears rolled down her cheeks.. 

Harry looked down at himself, and realised that the blood had soaked almost every part of his robes. It wasn't very noticeable, though, unless you looked closely, since the black fabric had already absorbed most of the blood.  As he realised this, Harry began to feel sick and slightly nauseous.

"I can't explain right now, Ginny. We need to get out of here." Harry said, pushing away the feeling of dizziness.

Ginny hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. Harry helped her up onto her feet, and after gathering up some bits and pieces, the two began hurriedly making their way back. 

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