「 noticed 」

393 16 4

soon, the bell rang, indicating that first hour was indeed done. only several seconds later, laughter, yelling, and the sound of opening lockers filled the hallways. all the students in Mr. Joel's class left.

zach gathered his belongings and headed out the door. he kept his head down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. if he did, he might receive a locker shove or worse.

jonah, one of the last kids in the classroom, slipped the pink pen into his pocket and grabbed his books, smoothly leaving the room.

he moved his hand through his hair, holding his books in one hand as he made his way through the halls. giving a couple of his friends a nod to acknowledge them.

corbyn stopped jonah through the heap of people and jogged up to him, slapping his arm across his shoulder, "aye, jo's here, huh? didn't expect you to come" an evident smirk on the fake blonde's lips.

jonah rolled his eyes and shook his head at his friend, moving his arm off himself, "shut it. just woke up late, that's all"

of course jonah skipped school here-and-there, but he couldn't do it too often. or then the school would contact his parents. and he didn't need that. jonah didn't need his father to get any negative news while he was drunk. he wouldn't hesitate to lay his fingers on his son.

"yeah yeah," corbyn held his own books in his hand and his eyes dropped down to their feet. he spotted the pink from jonahs jean pocket. the sight of jonah wearing pink made the blonde furrow his eyebrows, "what's this?"

he pulled the pen out of his pocket, examining it. definitely wasn't jonahs, he thought to himself.

"what's what?" the brunette looked at what corbyn was holding, arriving at his locker and raised his eyebrows for a second once he saw the pen, "ah, it's that one kid's, zach, i think"

this confused corbyn, "the fag?" he looked up at jonah and cocked his eyebrow.

zach was out. out of his closet. well, he didn't necessarily want to be, but everyone knew. and they bullied him more because of it.

the taller of the two nodded and grabbed the pen back, "yea. he left me use it for class. forgot a pencil" jonah grabbed what he needed and put away what he didnt.

"since when do you talk to gays" corbyn laughed and leaned against the locker next to jonahs. standing back up straight once jonah shut his. he heard a, "i don't. just needed something to write with" fall from his mouth.

corbyn nodded and walked by his side to their next class, which they had together. the pen back in jonahs pocket.

surprisingly, zach made it safe to his locker and to his second class. he was proud of himself, really. maybe he could go unnoticed today. well not, totally. "maybe jonah would notice you again this hour" he silently told himself while taking his seat.

his cheeks flushed red from his thoughts.

the tall brunette and the slightly shorter (fake) blonde walks into the classroom that belonged to Mrs. Hawk. corbyn took his seat, right next to jonahs, which was across the room from zach's.

zach noticed them as soon as they walked in, but forced himself to look down just as fast. he forgot corbyn was in this class. jonah wasn't going to notice him.

class went by pretty quickly, almost all the students understanding the lesson. zach stayed quiet throughout the whole period, which is what he does in all of his classes. unless called on.

zach thought he went unnoticed by the senior in this class, but he was wrong. jonah stole glances at zach throughout the whole period, infact. why? he didn't know for himself. he actually whispered to himself to stop.

but zach didn't know.

students exiting into the halls and chatter among all was heard again. one more period until lunch, which all students had together. freshman to senior.

the only difference for zach this time in the hall, was that he got noticed by someone. and not the person, or the way, he wanted to. it was corbyn. of course it was corbyn, the blonde just wanted to tease him.

he smirked to himself and made his way to where zach was and walked beside him. zach tensed but kept his head down.

"well if it isn't my favorite junior, jack. how've you been?" corbyn didn't care that he got his name wrong, teasing was strong in his voice.

zach mumbled, "its zach.."

"sorry, zach. look at me when i talk to you. didn't your parents every teach you manners?" he said zach's name sarcastically. he didn't care. but he smirked once zach hesitatingly looked up at him, "better."

zach looked at him and swallowed. he didn't want any trouble. he just wanted to get to his next class, unharmed, "i-i should get going. i don't wanna be late for class.."

"okay stutter boy. get your next class" corbyn wasn't going to let him go that easy, so he simply took his shoulders into his hands and pushed zach's body against the lockers.

hard. it echoed and zach's back instantly began to hurt. but he stayed quiet, not daring to let out a peep and watched corbyn walk away.

he quickly regathered himself and sped-walk to his next class. he didn't see jonah leave his last class, which was odd. he was usually with corbyn. but zach knew he wouldn't see him again until lunch, if he was lucky.

taking his seat right before the bell let a quiet sigh escape from his lips. he was uncomfortable throughout the whole class, his back was sore. he wanted to see jack.

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wc; 968
ew what even is this-

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