「 lunch 」

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as soon as the bell rung, dismissing the class, zach grabbed his books and headed out of the room and into the hall. he kept his head down and went straight to his locker.

by the time he got there, thankfully, jack was already waiting for him to go to lunch. his bestfriend gave him a smile and zach gave him the most convincing fake smile he could. although, half of it was real, he was happy to see his friend.

but of course jack noticed it and quickly asked the boy what was wrong. zach simply explained that his back was hurting and he told him why.

jack sighed and brought zach into a hug. zach hid his face in his chest and hugged him tight, not really wanting to move from that position. jack eventually broke up the the hug, telling him they needed to get to lunch. and to their luck, today was a half day. after lunch they have one more period then they get to go home.

zach put his books in his locker and walked with jack to the cafeteria. unfortunately, zach and jack had lunch with corbyn. fortunately, for zach, they also had lunch with jonah. it's a win, lose type thing.

when the two boys walked in, zach's eyed darted to jonahs table, just to see if he was there. to his luck he was. and with his luck jonah looked right back at the boy.

for a second zach thought he was seeing things. he thought he saw jonah smile at him. he felt his cheeks burning and he quickly looked away, not wanting to embarrass himself. although he felt as though he already did.

jack noticed how red zachs face was and he laughed, "is it hot in here or did someone see jonah?" jack taunted.

zach slapped his chest with the back of his hand in response. a small smile crept onto his lips. jack smiled as well, he liked seeing zach smile. he liked to see that his best friend was happy, even through all the stuff he goes through.

the boys got their food and took their seats at the table against the wall, where they always sit. together. sometimes a random peer would sit at the table, but never next to them. usually on the far side. you could say the two boys were pretty separated from everyone else.

but they enjoyed the separation. it gave them some time to theirselves. it also gave zach a good view of jonahs table. a good view of jonah. any view of jonah was a good view, thought zach. he cracked a smile from his thoughts and looked down at his tray as he began to eat. 

jack ate his pb&j, water, and bag of chips as he does everyday. zach couldnt even try those foods together, seemed disgusting. instead, zach had his salad, fizzie drink and an apple on his tray. he decided to start eating healthier towards the beginning of last year- he didnt want to start getting bullied because of his weight. that would be the worst.

"so," jack started up a conversation, "how was first period? anything exciting happen?" he looked at the younger and raised an eyebrow when zach nodded, looking at him, "what- what happened?" 

zach found himself smiling and- yes, yes he started blushing again, "s-so jonah needed a pencil right- well, he asked me for one and i gave him my pen.." he looked down and hid his smile, and red face. sure it was silly and zach was pretty sure it meant nothing to the senior but, it meant everything to zach.

"holy sh- zach thats great-" jack laughed and nodded, happy for his friend, "that totally beats the dumb corbyn incident," zach just nodded and picked his head back up, glancing over at jonah. he knew it was a risk but, today he was feeling confident. i mean, the man talked to him, what more does zach need to have a good day? 

and- to his surprise jonah looked right back at him. quickly too, actually so fast he had to do a double take. zach felt his face turn, red. like red red. it clearly meant that jonah had kept sneaking glances at zach, why else would he already be looking? zach swallowed the huge lump in his throat as they held eachothers gaze.

jonah then smiled at zach. a sweet, soft smile- one zach wants to see everyday from him. he couldnt help himself but smile back, wide too, it caught jacks attention. his friend raised his eyebrow and looked over at jonah himself, only to see jonah turn away, looking at his own friends. 

zach glanced at jack and smiled again, looking down at his lap. he saw jonahs cheek flush a little before looking away. this day is going so good, zach thought to himself. 

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wc; 829


you wanted an update.. sorry its a little late :)

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