「 end of the day 」

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1.8k reads?!? thank you all so much, wow :') 

after lunch, jack and zach went their ways to their next class. unfortunately jack didn't have this class with zach, because zach had it with the seniors. but, this was the last class of the day so jack was going to make sure that he was at zach's side after the class.

"just be careful, z. look out for yourself, don't get into trouble, okay?" jack was telling the younger as he hugged him. jack was pretty upset about what had happened to zach earlier, but he wasn't going to show it. 

he wants the best for zach. and the best isn't getting shoved into a locker. zach went into his classroom and jack had to leave him, to get to his own. just one more period, jack told himself.

✎ ✎ ✎

surprisingly, the time in that class wasn't bad for zach. nothing big happened. but that also means, nothing happened with jonah. he didn't look zach's way, not once. he couldn't complain though, nothing was happening between the two boys. so why would jonah look at him? 

and, luckily, as zach exited the room, jack was right there waiting for him. this made zach smile. he knew jack's class was pretty far from the one he was currently at, so jack must've left his last class early to get here in time. 

"you didn't have to do that, you know. corbyn's not in this class," zach told him as they walked down the hall. but jack simply shook his head and kept a smile on his face. 

"doesn't matter. i did it for you, you're safe and that's all that matters," with that, zach's cheeks heated up. he didn't understand why they did, jack was always super close to zach. he was used to the treatment. so.. there was no reason for him to blush.

shaking the thoughts from his head, they made it to zach's locker and he began putting his books away and grabbing his backpack. jack raised an eyebrow, "was the class boring? you don't seem as enthusiastic as you were at lunch. aaand it's the end of the day. are you okay?" 

zach just smiled and looked at jack, "of course im okay. just realizing how lucky i am to have a friend like you." jack rolled his eyes at that, noticing the hint of sarcasm. "shut up, you are lucky, herron," jack said back.

"oh i know-" zach was cut short, not being able to see the face that jack had made because he was still messing with his locker. but, he heard the voice from behind him say, "hey.. zach, is it?" immediately, his face got hot. 

it was jonah.

after taking a second to gather himself, zach turned around, coming face to face with him. zach could just feel himself getting redder. he watched a smile grew on jonahs lips, waiting for zachs response. zach just nodded. 

"well, i just wanted to say thank you. i was going to give the pen back after class but, i figured id need it for my other classes. so, here" he held the pen out for zach to grab. 

internally, zach was freaking out. he almost couldnt process anything that jonah was saying, but he made sure that he did, so he could remember the moment for many days to come. 

zach grabbed the pen, looking down at jonahs hand as he did so. then zach just started smiling he couldnt believe this was happening, "thank you- for, um, returning it- the pen," zach cleared his throat and looked away from jonah, obviously not being able to say a sentence while looking at him. 

zach heard jack snicker and as he glanced at jonah, he saw him smirking. jonah nodded and started to turn, to leave, but then went, "oh, and i wanted to give you this." he took a folded piece of small paper and slipped it into the pocket of zach's hoodie. he winked at zach, and without another word, left to leave the school. 

when he was gone, jack slapped zachs arm and did the loudest whisper-yell ever, "what the hell was that!"

zach felt as though he was frozen in time. what the hell was that, he thought. 

 ⇏ ⇏ ⇏

wc; 711

who is she, updating ???
its been forever, forgive me :)

im going to be trying to update this more often, i promise!!
anyway.. what do you think is on the paper??

this chapter is dedicated to all of you! <3

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