C1: Cold Electricity

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Ever since then I have been on the run. I keep getting put in foster homes and orphanages, but that has never stopped me from moving, I escaped every one. Until now. It's not because I can't, it's simply because I don't want to. I feel safe here, though I'm not sure why. I never felt safe anywhere since that night.

He ruined me, I have never trusted anyone since. He took the only person I had left, Daniel. He was my big brother, my protector. The actions of my father still haunt me today.

I've been sent to boarding school this time, not that I attend my classes. I hide in the attic and read, write, or sing. My mother used to sing to me, with the voice of an angel.

I am currently in the attic reading some murder mystery. I have read it four times now, I practically know it off by heart.

I hear the siren blaring through the roof. I look out the small window by the bench I rest on. It's like one of those day bed things, the seat attached to the window. Children of all ages run around outside, I remain unseen, a mere shadow in the distance.

I plan to leave by the weeks end. I can't stay here any longer, he will catch up to me eventually. I have to keep moving.


I whip my head around to see Sister Nancy.

"Have you been up here all morning? I have been looking for you everywhere! Why were you not in class?"

"I'm sorry miss... I felt unwell," I mumble.

"You must tell someone when you are unwell. How else am I to ensure you get better?"

I remain silent.

She sighs, "go to your room girl, I will send up your lunch."

I nod and slip silently past her, down the stairway and through the corridor, twisting and turning until I reach my room. My room is horrible. I share it with another girl, Mandy. Her favorite colour is pink. Therefore, this room is covered in pink. I fall back onto my bed and stare at the ceiling.

I have only been here for a week, but I already dislike it. No one understands me here, nobody ever will. Everyone expects highly of me, yet I am just here for the food and shelter and the bed to sleep in. Despite my feeling of safety, I feel a certain warmth to something in the building, like I'm being drawn to it. I have yet to follow my senses and discover the source for myself.

Maybe I will tonight. Yes, tonight, when the world is asleep I will find the source of the warmth. I shall follow my instincts until it is found. If it is harmful, I will leave. If it truly could save me, I will stay.

With this decided, I get up and let any words Sister Nancy just told me fly out of the back of my head. I walk back out into the long corridor and head towards the kitchen, maybe the cook will be feeling generous again and I can skip out on going to dinner. Or maybe I will go to dinner, I don't get a hot meal very often. Perhaps-

I get dragged out of my thoughts as feeling of cold and electricity shocks my arm. I jump to the side and crash into the wall. I look up from where I fell and I'm met with the strangest eyes. They are black, but they seem to have a slight glow to them. Someone clears their throat.

I snap out of my thoughts and focus on the figure above me. Dark hair, tanned- Stop daydreaming!

"Are you ok?" The dark haired beauty asks me. He offers his hand.

"Yeah, I'm ok," I grab his hand and a feeling of ice flows through my arm. For some reason I suddenly feel safe.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm visiting my sister."

His sister? If his sister is an orphan, why isn't he?

"I have to go, I will see you later,"

That's all he says before he turns around and walks away, my feeling of safety following him. Who is he? I feel like I've met him before.

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