Chapter 12 수지에게 무신 선물을 주고 싶어요?

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Today's grammar

N이/가 N에게 N을/를 주다

N이/가 N에게서 N을/를 받다

V,A- (으)시다: 높임말

This chapter is relatively short but the last is very important!

N이/가 N에게 N을/를 주다

This will seem a bit difficult but they are simple! This simply means to give. This person gave that person an apple. 주다 is the verb for to give. 받다 is the verb receive.

수지가 마이코에게 사과를 줍니다.

Suzy gave Maiko an apple.

The person giving is first and given 이/가 and the person receiving gets 에게 to show they are the one in the situation being given to. The apple is the thing being given/used in the situation so it gets 를/을. Very simple!

데이브가 수잔에게 선물을 줍니다.

Dave gave Susan a gift.

오빠가 사라에게 옷을 줍니다.

Brother gave Sara clothes.

N이/가 N에게서 N을/를 받다

This is the grammar for saying when you or someone received something.

This time the person receiving is first with 이/가 and the one giving gets 에게 It can also be written as 에게서 but both is fine. The item being given 를/을 and 받다 to receive. It is similar to the first the order just slightly changed. Important note 저 나 will still have 는 저는 나는 if it is first, If it is with 에게 it would be 저에게 나에게.

저는 친구에게 아이스크림을 받았습니다.

I got ice cream from my friend.

누나가 나에게 화장품을 받았습니다.

I gave my sister makeup.

수지가 나에게 빵을 받았어요.

I gave Suzy bread.

Practice! I'll give names and items practice writing who gave and received and switch them around both ways!

1. Suzy gave water to Maiko.

2. I got money from brother.

3. Teacher gave me homework.

4. My friend got a gift from me.


V,A- (으)시다: 높임말

So 높임말 which literally means higher speaking used to talk to people older than you like parents, teachers, bosses and such. Some words even change when speaking to them.

있다 becomes 계시다.

먹다/마시다 becomes 드시다.

For now those are the only two 높임말 words you'll learn for now. The rest is (으)시다 to learn. The ending of sentences changes with 높임말 and other slight grammar changes such as.

이/가 becomes 께서.

은/는 becomes 께서는.

에게/에게서 becomes 께.

The last thing is verb endings I'll just show you.


Before 높임말

아버지는 책을 읽습니다. Father is reading a book.

With 높임말

아버지께서 책을 읽으시다.

The ending changes from a normal ㅂ니다/습니다. Present tense and past tense is also used. As always 받침 is important.

받침 O = 으시다 example 읽다 à 읽으시다 읽었다 à 읽으셨다

받침 X = 시다 example 가다 à 가시다 갔다à 가셨다

ㄹ 받침 = ㅡ시다 example 만들다 à 만드시다 마들었다à 만드셨다

This might seem like a lot but like I always say in every chapter it's important! Level 1 is laying a very important foundation for the basics needed in Korean and we all know the hierarchy and how you speak to people is important.

Important to note that 높임말 is used for much older respected people like parents and teachers, grandparents and bosses. Not on siblings or older friends or people you're close with.

Here's some examples of regular to 높임말.

할머니는 음식을 먹어요.

할머니께서 음식을 드십니다.

아버지가 마이코에게 케이크를 주었어요.

아버지께서 마이코에게 케이크를 주셨어요.

할아버지는 매주 운동을 해요.

할아버지께서는 매주 운동을 하시다.

This might seem a bit complicated but if you take your time and check your work it will be fine! For homework try writing sentences of giving and receiving things with and without 높임말. 높임말 is very important so be sure to take your time!

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