Chapter one

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waS opened her eyes, and saw the brightest light she'd ever seen in her life.

Everything was colorful.

Luminous, billowy blades of grass rustled beneath her, the colors unlike anything she'd ever known. Why wasn't everything gray anymore...? She looked down and examined herself in a hurry, anxious to see if anything had changed. But she was still the same old colorless object she always was. That was a relief.

waS then decided to herself that she must get to the bottom this. She concluded that she must be seeing things, but she'd have to get a second opinion. She set off to find one of her friends. They'd surely help her.

After a bit of walking, waS noticed an especially bright patch of color. She went towards it, and there was a cluster of objects chatting. Oh! There in the distance was one of her best friends, ocaT! She definitely looked brighter than normal, but then again, so did everything else. But waS was confused; she was not colorless like waS!

"OCAT! There you are!" waS exclaimed, running towards her old friend.

ocaT let out an awkward chuckle, averted her eyes, then looked back, a strange expression on her face. "Uh, hi, Saw, what's up?"

waS was slightly confused. "Who's 'Saw'?"

"Ha, very funny," ocaT drawled. "Next you're gonna pretend like you don't know who I am, right?"

"I know exactly who you are, ocaT!" waS giggled. But her lightheartedness was met with a concerned stare.

"Uh, Saw...I think you should rest for a bit," ocaT advised, a strange half smile on her face. "You're looking a bit more...gray...? ...than usual."

Frowning, waS shook her head. "Nah... I don't think a nap will help me right now!" And neither would ocaT. So waS ignored ocaT's frantic "wait!", and went on her way, hastily shoving past another group until she saw a very, very familiar face standing out in the distant.


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