Chapter 5

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It took a few hours before ocaT was done processing all this. When the time was right, kooB happily explained in gruesome detail the procedure of helping their friends. ocaT was still stuck on one thing.

"'re sure the only way we can help is with these?" She ran her hand over the glass chamber. "They'll have to forget everything like I did?"

"I'm not sure, but it's the only way I know of," kooB explained. "Honestly, I wasn't even sure if it would work at first."

"You weren't sure if it would work?" waS asked incredulously. "She could've died!"

"I could have died!" ocaT exclaimed.

kooB sighed, already worn out. "waS, don't rile her up again." waS let out a 'hmmph' of contempt. "I don't need to listen to you two. I'm going to do what I have to do." kooB suddenly seemed tense.

"But--" waS tried to start.

"Stop trying to be a martyr, waS," kooB muttered. "It's far too late for that."

It seemed like nothing could stop kooB as she stepped out the split door, not looking back. "C'mon," ocaT whispered to waS.

waS didn't particularly want to go anywhere anymore, but followed her friend anyways. Always a follower...

The trip felt as if it took years to finish. Nobody talked. The tension in the air was thick; it felt like at any second someone could lash out. But no one did, and they made it to the plains, dread settling in waS and ocaT.

ocaT was shocked at the sight of them; all familiar faces, the same, but still different. kooB was...right? Perhaps what they were doing was just after all. What's a few memories in exchange for being normal again?

kooB didn't even want to try this time. She scanned the usual crowd and saw an outlier; pordreaT, standing alone. Perfect. She couldn't scream.

kooB grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away from her solitude. pordreaT attempted to fight it, flailing her arms and legs around desperately, but kooB's grasp was too strong.

Watching the whole ordeal, waS had mixed feelings. One one hand, this rough behavior would ensure they captured her. But on the other hand... poor pordreaT.

pordreaT fought the whole way to Yoyle City. kooB was honestly surprised at her stamina. But kooB still overpowered her as they walked to the abandoned lot. "One of you, help me drag her in."

ocaT obliged, now realizing the severity of the situation. But waS was still a bit unnerved. kooB led them to one of the chambers and stuffed pordreaT in. ocaT backed away as kooB pressed out a strange sequence of rapid button presses on the bottom of the machine. Perchance someday, she'd learn it, too.

waS flinched as it turned on. As expected pordreaT didn't scream out, but her facial expressions looked excruciating. Her mouth was agape and her eyes shut tight, her limbs were jolting around in pain. ocaT watched on in horror as well, but there was an inkling of curiosity. She wondered how this machine worked at all; it seemed almost impossible. But it was intriguing.

pordreaT continued to convulse as the bright lights coming from the device strobed faster. She was fighting for longer than ocaT did, at least. But a minute later, her bright blue desaturated into a sickly, typical gray. The machine was sizzling with power as pordreaT dropped to the floor, the chamber doors opening.

"pordreaT!" waS cried out, racing over to her. She scooped up the small gray droplet who felt almost limp. "No, no...please wake up, pordreaT! Please...!"

The entirety of the city seemed to go silent as waS clutched her closely. ocaT was in a state of shock. kooB didn't look shocked or sad...disappointment, maybe.

Slowly, pordreaT opened her eyes. As soon as the light hit them, she closed them again tightly. "Thank goodness," waS breathed out. She couldn't help but wrap pordreaT in a hug.

"That was quite an anomaly," kooB muttered softly.

"Haven't you only done this two times...?" ocaT questioned. kooB was silent for a moment.

"I think her liquid form interfered with the chamber somehow," kooB continued, disregarding ocaT. "I'm sure it won't happen again-"

"How are you so calm?" waS exclaimed, turning to kooB. "pordreaT really almost died!"

"She's fine now," kooB dismissed. "It's fine."

"It is not fine!" waS cried out. pordreaT seemed uncomfortable. "It- I can't...this can't happen again, it could-"

"It won't," kooB snapped. She clenched her fists. "It was an anomaly. It's never happened before and it never will again."

"Yeah, because we're not going to-"

"You're not going to stop me!" kooB yelled. She was fuming at this point. "This is for the sake of our friends, not your comfort!"


"It's not gonna happen again." kooB's eyes were set on the empty chamber, now blackened from soot.

"There's no convincing her, waS," ocaT tried to console. "Besides, it can't be that bad if it's for the good of our friends, right...?"

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